Diatoms, which are reported to have over 18,000 species worldwide and approximately 2,400 species in Korea, can be found in various environments including freshwater, seawater, and wetlands. They are particularly valuable for understanding global environmental changes throughout history due to their ability to maintain their shape for extended periods of time. Instead of collecting floating diatoms using nets, low-layer substrates such as gravel and leaves, as well as sedimentary surface layers, were gathered in order to identify attached diatom species. This is because attached diatoms demonstrate higher species diversity compared to floating diatoms. In this study, seven previously unrecorded diatoms were discovered in various domestic freshwater environments. Two species were found in reservoirs (Eunotia yanomami, Gomphonella pseudookunoi), two in parasitic cones (Eunotia carverenensis, Luticola minor), two in rivers (Cavinula maculata and Prestauroneis integra), and one (Surirella brebissonii var. kuetzingii) in a lagoon. The shapes, structures, and morphological characteristics of each diatom were identified using electron microscopy.
The infection of marine diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii by a parasitic protist from the Yongho Bay of Busan, Korea was observed during the diatom bloom events in 2017 through 2018. The morphological and molecular features suggested that the parasitic nanoflagellate Pirsonia diadema was responsible for the infection. During the study period, the parasite prevalence ranged from 0.3% to 3.3%, and infected C. wailesii cells were observed only at surface seawater temperatures ranging between 10.9 and 19.9°C, although the host population appeared at temperatures above 25°C. The parasite and host system was successfully established as cultures. Using the cultures, we determined the morphological features over the infection cycle, parasite generation time, parasite prevalence as a function of inoculum size, and zoospore infectivity and survival time. The diatom C. wailesii was readily infected by the parasite P. diadema, with a parasite prevalence reaching up to 100% and a zoospore to host inoculum ratio above 20 : 1. The survival and infectivity of the parasite zoospores decreased with age. While the zoospores could survive up to 88 hours, they quickly lost their ability to infect after 48 hours. These results could lead to a better understanding of the biology and ecology of the parasitoid infecting the giant-sized diatoms in coastal waters.
두 가지 다른 기질의 담체를 이용하여 살조세균 Pseudomonas fluorescens HYK0210-SK09의 포집율과 microcosm에서 Stephanodiscus hantzschii의 살조능을 파악하였다. Active carbon polyvinyl alcohol (ACPA)담체가 cellulose sponge (CS)담체보다 SK09를 높게 포집하였다. 이를 이용한 microcosm에서 ACPA담체가 CS담체보다 S. hantzschii의 살조