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        검색결과 42

        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present evolutionary models of rotating self-gravitating systems (e.g. globular clusters, galaxy cores). These models are characterized by the presence of an initial axi-symmetry due to rotation. Central black hole seeds are included in our models, and black hole growth due to the consumption of stellar matter is simulated until the central potential dominates the kinematics of the core. Our goal is to study the long-term evolution (Gyr) of relaxed dense stellar systems which deviate from spherical symmetry, and their morphology and nal kinematics. With this purpose in mind, we developed a 2D Fokker-Planck analytical code, and confirmed its results using detailed N-Body simulations, applying a high performance code developed for GPU machines. We conclude that the initial rotation significantly modifies the shape and lifetime of these systems, and cannot be neglected in the study of the evolution of globular clusters, and the galaxy itself. Our models give a constraint for the nal intermediate black hole masses expected to be present in globular clusters.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present an analysis of the relation between star-formation (SF) and accretion luminosities of local type-2 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at 0:01 ≤ z < 0:22. We match type-2 AGNs found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to current far-infrared (FIR) survey catalogues based on AKARI and Herschel. Estimating AGN luminosities from [O iii]5007 and [O i]6300 emission lines, we find a positive linear trend between FIR and AGN luminosities over a wide dynamical range. This result appears to be inconsistent with recent reports that low-luminosity AGNs show no correlation between FIR and X-ray luminosities; this contradiction is likely due to Malmquist and sample selection biases. Moreover, we also nd that pure- AGN candidates, for which the FIR radiation is thought to be AGN-dominated, show significant low-SF activities. These AGNs hosted by low-SF galaxies are rare in our sample. However, it is possible that the low fraction of low-SF AGN is caused by observational limitations, as recent FIR surveys are not suffcient to examine the population of high-luminosity AGNs hosted by low-SF galaxies.
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