
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tbis essay investigates Eliol's depersonalizing techniques in “Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar,‘’ which is chronologically the first of Poems (1920). To strengthen the process of depersonalization further, Eliot introduces some new techniques and modifies the old. One major reason for this technical shift is, paradoxically, Ibe increasingly personal nature of Eliot’s poetic subject during the period. As his su비ect maller became more personal, the need to Iransfonn it into something impersonal became more acute. With acutely personal and contemporary subject growing in his mind, Eliot finds a way further to depersonalize them in the quatrain poems, wbile keeping intact its constituent voices and poinls of view. He does this by borrowing Gautier’s fonn and lecbnique, tbrough an intricate tapestry of al1usions and mythic suggestions. 8y selling mytbical personages, i.e. mytbical points of view and voices, against the contemporary points of view and voices, Eliot inlroduces more impersonalized ref1ectors and façade 10 Ihe poem, a quest wbicb started in the shorter saliric poems in Prψock and continues throughout. The third person narration is another important way to depersonalize the personal experience, as Eliot used pronouns for a monitor of Ibe distance between the self and the world from the beginning.