
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to compare greenhouse gases emission from different animal manures and to explore how different animal manures effect on soil mineralization, three kinds of materials, cattle, goat and chicken manure were amended to soil for 14 days incubation as CtS (cattle manure-amended soil), GS (goat manure-amended soil) and ChS (chicken manure-amended soil). Cumulative NH3 emissions in all treatments were rapidly increased until day 7 and then it was slightly increased in three manure-amended soils but maintained in control until day 14. GS had the highest NH3 emission at 0.14 mg kg-1 during the entire experimental period. Emissions of CO2 were highly increased by 7.8-, 9.0- and 12.4-fold in CtS, GS and ChS, respectively, compared to control at day 14. A significant increase of N2O emission in all treatments occurred within 5 days and then it was slightly increased until day 14. N2O emission was 2-fold higher in all manure-amended soils than that of control. Compared to day 1, inorganic N (NH4 + plus NO3 --N) content was highly increased in all four treatments at day 14. The increase rate was the highest in CtS treatment. Net N mineralization was increased by 4.0-, 2.4- and 2.9-fold in CtS, GS and ChS, respectively, compared to control. These results indicate that increase of NH3, CO2 and N2O gas emissions was positively related to high N mineralization.