
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Pain neuroscience education (PNE) with other therapeutic approaches can reduce pain intensity in patients with Chronic musculoskeletal pain and chronic spine pain by improving quality of life and disability. However, in various clinical trials and reviews, the optimal dose of an intervention combined with PNE is still an area to be studied. Objectives: To investigated the effect of forward head posture (FHP) with chronic neck pain on the PNE combined with cervical and thoracic mobilization. Design: A non-randomized, controlled intervention study. Methods: Thirty-two subjects were allocated to pain neuroscience education combined with cervical and thoracic mobilization group (PCTMG, n=17) and cervical and thoracic mobilization with TENS group (CTMG, n=15). For 6 weeks, the PCTM group applied PNE and cervical and thoracic mobilization and the CTM group applied cervical and thoracic mobilization and TENS. Changes in intervention pre-post pain and kinesiophobia were observed. Results: Results from the study indicated that statistically significant decrease in VAS and TSK-11 in PCTMG. In CTMG, there was a statistically significant decrease in VAS. And in PCTMG, there was a statistically significant decrease in VAS and TSK-11 than in CTMG. Conclusion: Therefore, this study confirmed that PNE combined with cervical thoracic mobilization is an effective intervention compared to ervical thoracic mobilization alone in reducing pain and kinesiophobia in FHP with chronic neck pain.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Adults with forward head posture (FHP) often suffer from thoracic hyperkyphosis and thoracic dysfunction, and including reduction of the craniovertebral angle (CV angle) and tightening of the superficial neck muscles. In order to treat thoracic dysfunction, interventions aimed at improving thoracic mobility are necessary. Objectives: To examine the effects of maitland manual mobilization therapy on the thoracic spine in adults with FHP. Design: Single-blind randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty adults with FHP who met the selection criteria were randomized to the thoracic multiple joint mobilization (TMJM; n=15) group and the thoracic general joint mobilization (TGJM; n=15) group. Joint mobilizations were performed for 23 minutes a day for 4 weeks continuously, two times per week. Outcome measures were ImageJ, BTS FREE EMG 1000, neck disability Index (NDI). Results: Although changes in the left sternocleidomastoid muscle activity and NDI scores over time between the two groups differed, other variables were noted only changes observed over time. Muscle activity in the right sternocleidomastoid increased again in the TGJM group post-intervention and 2 weeks after the end of the experiment, but changes in other variables were retained or improved, confirming the lasting effects of thoracic joint mobilization. Conclusion: Thoracic multiple joint mobilization may be recommended as a more effective intervention for adults with FHP.