A system has been developed to reduce fluctuation of the indoor temperature in a radiant floor heating system. The system we developed and implemented is called BoilerMan. With the BoilerMan system the hot water circulation pump is controlled by computer software which implements a unique strategy. To minimize the system development time a user-friendly development environment was used. This development environment was useful in the implementation and testing of the efficiency of our strategy. The environment also serves as an easy means for system maintenance. The BoilerMan went through a few test runs against a real apartment house and the result showed significant reductions in the initial temperature overshoots against the target values. It also reduced the operatingtime of the hot water circulation pump. Such positive results were possible due to our unique strategy that exploits heating efficiency information collected from the past run of the very same system. Since the strategy was implemented with embedded software, it makes the BoilerMan flexible, too.
신설될 복합화력발전소 취수펌프장 계획안에 대하여 수치 및 수리모형실험을 수행하고 순환수취수펌프운영에 문제를 발생시킬 가능성이 발견되면 개선안을 도출하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 수리모형은 1:20의 크기로 아크릴을 이용하여 제작되었고 2차원 수치모형실험은 RMA2모형을 이용하였다. 수리 및 수치모형실험의 결과를 평가하기 위하여 취수로 및 취수펌프장내 흐름에 대한 평가기준을 설정하였다. 복합화력발전소 취수펌프장의 계획안에 대한 2차원 수치모형실험을 통하