The article provides a comparative analysis to modern employment contract formation. It focuses on promises made unilaterally by an employer to its employees in formal statements such as manuals and handbooks, and argues that such promises, once capable of conferring entitlement, must be protected and employers must not treat them as illusory. It further argues that while under English law an employer would be in breach of the implied duty of trust and confidence if a decision to withdraw from discretionary promises was irrational or disproportionate; in the United States, an employer’s irrational or disproportionate withdrawal from discretionary promises could be regarded as a breach of the duty of good faith. Either approach can be internationally or globally adopted to ensure a fair balance between protecting business efficiency and respecting employees’ dignity.
산업화 초기부터 발전해온 내항은 이후 변화한 산업물류 환경 속에 쇠락해왔으나 재개발을 통해 새로운 용도로 변모하면서 다시 도시적 활기의 중심이 되기도 한다. 우리나라도 내항 재개발 필요성을 인식하고 이를 지역 재생을 위한 도구로 활용하려는 정책을 추진하고 있다. 이 연구는 내항의 개발은 도시와 해양 사이에 위치한 내항의 독특한 입지 특성에 대한 이해와 분석을 전제로 해야 한다는 인식을 토대로 개발 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 주요 내항지역 사례들을 선정하고 이들의 입지를 두 가지 개념, 즉 관문적 개념과 중심지이론적 개념을 통해서 비교분석하였다. 이를 통해 내항의 여건을 객관적으로 판단하고 두 가지 개념을 통해 유형화함으로써 각 내항의 특성에 맞는 개발 방향을 제안하였다. 이러한 과정에서 고립적인 입지, 시가지와 해안의 분리 등으로 인해 내항이 가지는 잠재력이 충분히 구현되기 어려운 사례가 많음이 드러났으며, 그에 대한 인식과 대처가 없이는 효과적인 재개발이 쉽지 않음을 파악할 수 있었다. 내항을 별도의 또 다른 가용지로 보기 보다는 해양과 내륙을 매개하는 입지, 기존 시가지와 연계된 입지로 보고 접근하는 개발 전략이 필요하다. 내항 지역의 개발을 해양문화시대, 도시재생 시대에 필요한 기회로 활용하기 위한 중장기적인 노력이 있어야 할 것이다
Background: A set of logical criteria that can accurately identify and verify the cultivation region of raw materials is a critical tool for the scientific management of traditional herbal medicine. Methods and Results: Volatile compounds were obtained from 19 and 32 samples of Angelica gigas Nakai cultivated in Korea and China, respectively, by using steam distillation extraction. The metabolites were identified using GC/MS by querying against the NIST reference library. Data binning was performed to normalize the number of variables used in statistical analysis. Multivariate statistical analyses, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), and Orthogonal Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) were performed using the SIMCA-P software. Significant variables with a Variable Importance in the Projection (VIP) score higher than 1.0 as obtained through OPLS-DA and those that resulted in p-values less than 0.05 through one-way ANOVA were selected to verify the marker compounds. Among the 19 variables extracted, styrene, α-pinene, and β-terpinene were selected as markers to indicate the origin of A. gigas. Conclusions: The statistical model developed was suitable for determination of the geographical origin of A. gigas. The cultivation regions of six Korean and eight Chinese A. gigas. samples were predicted using the established OPLS-DA model and it was confirmed that 13 of the 14 samples were accurately classified
Chilling stress affects growth and yield of warm-climate crops such as soybean (Glycine max L.) that is susceptible to low temperature (10-18℃). A comparative proteomic approach was employed to explore the mechanisms underlying soybean response to chilling stress. Soybean seedlings were germinated for 3-4 days and exposed to low temperature (10℃) for 3 days, and the proteins were extracted from seedling leaves. Protein separation by SDS-PAGE followed by liquid chromatography electro-spray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI MS/MS) was effective approach to identify proteins, based on the number of peptides reliably identified. A total of 77 proteins out of 704 proteins were identified in the presence of chilling stress. Most proteins identified had functions related to cell signaling, metabolism, energy and transport, protein biosynthesis and degradation, cytoskeleton, and were involved in regulating reactions and defending against stress. It is therefore likely that the response of soybean plant’s proteome to chilling stress is complex, and that the identification proteins may play an important role in regulating adaptation activities following challenge to chilling stress to facilitate cellular homeostasis. Furthermore, our result suggest that new ways of engineering stress-tolerant plants responding climate change by providing outline for agriculturally important chilling stress.