
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Low visibility caused by dark surroundings at nighttime affects the likelihood of accidents, and various efforts, such as installing road safety facilities, have been made to reduce accidents at night. Despite these efforts, the nighttime severity index (SI) in Korea was higher than the daytime SI during 2011-2014. This study determined the factors affecting daytime and nighttime accident severity through a discriminant analysis. METHODS: Discriminant analysis. RESULTS: First, drowsiness, lack of attention, and lighting facilities affected both daytime and nighttime accident severity. Accidents were found to be caused by a low ability to recognize the driving conditions and a low obstacle avoidance capability. Second, road conditions and speeding affected only the daytime accident severity. Third, failure to maintain a safe distance significantly affected daytime accident severity and nonsignificantly affected nighttime accident severity. The majority of such accidents were caused by rear-end collisions of vehicles driving in the same direction; given the low relative speed difference in such cases, the shock imparted by the accidents was minimal. CONCLUSIONS: Accidents caused by a failure to maintain a safe distance has lower severity than do accidents caused by other factors.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate change affects the occurrence of heat waves in Korea. Heat wave gives significant impacts not only to human health, but also adversely affects on traffic accidents both directly and indirectly. This study analyzed heat wave impacts on traffic accidents in summer time (JJA) from 2012 to 2017 timely. To consider some occupations work in earlier or later than regular working hour, 04~20h is set for this study. Generalized additive model is used to analyze the relation between the temperature and traffic accidents. The results showed that the traffic accidents in high temperature increases in 04~08h, 08~12h, and especially 18~20h. The percent difference for relative risk of traffic accidents is 2.34% (95% confidence interval: 1.140, 3.269) when the temperature increase by 1°C in 18~20h. The results of this study suggest some requirements for measures to prevent traffic accidents in the morning and evening hours with increasing temperatures.