Safety-related items in the decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) can largely consider safety for workers and residents. At this time, the effects of radioactive contamination on the Systems, Structures, and Components (SSCs) are caused by the performance of work related to Decontamination and Dismantlement (D&D) activities. Classification according to dismantling activities will be important, and the decay factor of radionuclides and the impact of contaminations due to plant characteristic (thermal and electrical capacity) in estimation of exposure dose from such activities will be considered compared to other overseas NPPs. Therefore, this study will consider some factors to consider for comparison with overseas cases in estimating worker exposure dose. To assess worker exposure doses, the classification of decommissioning activities must first be made. It should be classified including large components that can be generally considered, and the contents should be similar to compare with overseas cases. In case of decommissioned NPPs with prior experience, it is possible to predict worker’s exposure with respect to plant capacity, but this does not seem to have a specific correlation when reviewing the related data. Depending on the plant capacity, the occurrence of contamination of radioactive materials may have some correlation, but it cannot be determined that it has causality with the worker’s dose when dismantling. In addition, it is expected that the effects of workers’ exposure doses will vary depending on when the highly contaminated SSCs will be dismantled from permanent shut down. Therefore, the decay correlation coefficient for this high radiation dose works should be considered. If the high radiation dose work is performed before the base year, a correlation coefficient larger than 1 value will be applied, and in the opposite case, a value less than 1 will be applied. Whether or not to perform Full System Decontamination (FSD) is also an important consideration that affects worker dose, and correlation factors should be applied. In this study, the matters to be considered when estimating worker dose for dismantling NPPs were reviewed. This suggests factors to be reflected in the work classification and dose results for comparison with overseas NPP experiences. Therefore, when doing the workers’ dose estimation, it is necessary to derive a normalized doses considering each correlation factor when comparing with overseas cases along with dose estimation for the dismantling activities.