
결과 내 재검색




      검색결과 1

      2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Transcription factor called activating enhancer binding protein 2C (AP2-gamma) is found in a variety of species and expressed from oocyte stage onwards, particularly restricted to the trophectoderm. Recent studies demonstrated that ablation of Tfap2c led to failure of tight junction biogenesis, particularly the knock-down embryos of Tfap2c did not form cavity from morula to blastocyst in mouse and pig. We speculated that the Tfa2pc may also be involved in desmosome biogenesis because blastocoel formation is coincident with the establishment of desmosome. To determine this, we depleted Tfap2c injecting siRNA into one-cell zygote and analysed the expression levels of genes that are required for desmosome complex such as PkP2, Pkp3, Dsc2, and Dsg2. We found only Pkp3 was up-regulated in the knockdowned morula embryos. Interestingly, upstream region of Pkp3 had putative Tfap2c binding sites. In conclusion, our results suggest that Tfap2c is not a crucial factor but somehow it might be involved in desmosome biogenesis directly or indirectly via Pkp3.