
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract1)Recent scandals of milk additives in several developing countries provoked controversy about quality issue of dairy products, grapping academic attention to the dairy supply chain. In this paper, we first focus on moral hazard problem of self-interested entities about the quality across the dairy supply chain, due to unobservable and unverifiable quality management efforts of all entities – including dairy producers, stations, and a final producer – and high inspection cost for the quality. Based on the identified moral hazard problem, we understand why the adoption of IoT-based tracking systems about quality produced from each entity is a must, different from RFID-based tracking systems.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        강제 실시권은 공익을 위하여 국가가 당해 지적 재산권에 강제로 설정한 실시권으로, 독점권 부여 를 그 본질로 하는 권리이다. 강제 실시권은 1883 년의 파리협약에서 최초로 도입되어, 1995년 WTO의 Trips 협정에서 그 내용이 구체화되었다. 그러나, 특허제도에 의하여 부여되는 독점권으로 인하여 개발도상국이 값비싼 치료제 확보가 어려 움에도, 강제 실시권 제도가 이러한 문제를 해결하 는데 도움이 될 수 없다는 이유로, 2001년 WTO 도하 회의에서 강제 실시 요건을 완화하도록 요구 하는 내용의‘도하선언’이 공표되었고, 2003년 Trips 협정의 내용이 개정되기에 이르렀다. 브라질, 인도 등의 개발도상국에서 저가의 에이즈 치료제, 항암제의 확보를 위하여 제약 특허에 강 제 실시권 제도를 활용한 바 있고, 이에 대항한 WTO 제소 내지 특허권 소송 등의 분쟁도 있었다. 국내에서도 1961년 특허법 개정으로 강제 실시제 도가 도입된 이후로 백혈병 치료제, 항암제 등에 대 하여 강제 실시권을 청구한 사례가 존재한다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to explore the critical success factors of the Water Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects in developing country with evidence from Indonesia. We all know that water is a basic need and therefore it becomes very important for the governments especially in the developing countries to develop and formulate a comprehensive water policy to deliver and manage the water services in the most appropriate manner as well tackle several challenges such as budget and project efficiency. In this context, PPP is a promising scheme to address the water problems, hence it becomes important to reveal the success factors of water PPP projects. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) questionnaire built from delphi methods is used to capture the perception of the relevant stakeholders in relation to the success factors. The results of this study show the most critical success factors in PPP water projects is the support and acceptance of the stakeholders from the community, whereas the private and public entities are the the second and third important factors . These findings contribute to the success of the PPP stakeholders by enhancing the policy-making decision process and by executing the water policies to support the development of PPP in the Water Sector.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study reveals the extent of changes in selective financial numbers caused by fixed asset revaluation (FAR) and explores whether there was a management motive for playing the financial numbers game through using the FAR model. The data set consists of a sample of 142 listed companies purposively selected from 13 industries. The study found a significant impact of FAR on the net asset value (NAV), fixed asset intensity (FAI), and debt-to-equity ratio (DER). These findings are supported by the political cost and the debt covenant hypotheses. The study also observed a high growth of fixed assets by 9.5% to 14,603.8% resulting from FAR. More revealing is that FAR increased NAV in revaluer companies by an average of 427.20% as compared to 6.86% in non-revaluer companies. Even some companies with negative NAV took resort on FAR to show positive NAV. Besides, revaluer companies managed to reduce their DER by 70.45% as opposed to an increase of 8.45% in non-revaluer companies. Hence, the study concludes that most of the publicly-listed companies are involved in financial numbers game by the use of the FAR model. To build confidence among investors, companies should practice FAR rightly and disclose related information to help reduce information asymmetry.