
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The studies on the logistics has been mainly centered on the logistics information system and logistics performance on the supply chain for the enterprise's profit making. For sustainable development, it's being required the construction of recycling-oriented system, and it's also necessary to construct the efficient system not only in forward but in reverse channel. In addition, it's required to construct information system for supporting reverse logistics smoothly. In this study of manufacturing enterprises, recognition on the environmental problems is set as the adaptation degree to the national environmental regulations and enterprise's concern to the environmental logistics, and it presents the direction through analyzing the effects of such environmental logistics recognition on reverse logistics information system and performance. In order to achieve these aims, it was performed through combining philological and positive studies.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, shifting channel power is forcing supply chain to take back products As you can Imagine returned product has always been a problem for all parties in the supply chain due to the disruption in operations and a headache In proc-essing returned pro
        2009.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this research was develop tailored landslide hazard assessment table (LHAT) in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and propose building strategies on environmental information system to estimate landslide hazard area according to LHAT. To accomplish this purpose, this research investigated factors occurring landslide at 172 landslide occurred sites in 23 city and county of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and analyzed what factors effected landslide occurrence quantity using the multiple statistics of quantification method(Ⅰ). The results of analysis, factors affecting landslide occurrence quantity were shown in order of slope position, slope length, bedrock, aspect, forest age, slope form and slope. And results of the development of LHAT for predict mapping of landslide-susceptible area in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, total score range was divided that 107 under is stable area(Ⅳ class), 107~176 is area with little susceptibility to landslide(Ⅲ class), 177~246 is area with moderate susceptibility to landslide(Ⅱ class), above 247 area with severe susceptibility to landslide(Ⅰ class). According to LHAT, this research built landslide attribute database and made 7 digital theme maps at mountainous area located in Goryeong Gun, Seongju-Gun, and Kimcheon-City. The results of prediction on degree of landslide hazard using environmental information system, area with little susceptibility to landslide(Ⅲ class) occupied 65.56% and severe susceptibility to landslide(Ⅰ class) occupied 0.51%.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The first theme of this study is to preserve and manage rural multi-functionality resource Information. This study is to suggest the method that can irradiate rural multi-functionality resource Information efficiently and constructively. GIS uses PDA and Tablet PC as an investigation tool and verifies the outcome of the development in the investigation system. This study enhanced the mobility function of PDA by installing recording system and camera to the PDA. Also, Using GPS has been ensured scientific precision and realism to the investigation. Direct input on spot can save time, cost and minimize human error by simplifying the investigation process. Database is composed of characters like scale, form, location, distance, resident's opinion and image of 37 resources. The survey system was applied in 170 villages and got a total of 12,270 resources data. Management system should be easy to input and output the surveyed information and to get reports in any kind of form ( i.e. final result can be produced as a map). By utilizing of the Rural Resource information system, the study made a simulation to compare the target areas before and after. Also, digitalized investigation system, minimized re-input and reprocessing of data and enabled to simplify and standardize the process than memorandum investigation. Data collected through digital system could offer people useful information by Web-GIS. It was need to specify practical way in decision-making and a way to measure the value of resources to align with the regional plan. Also, need to keep on developing statistical data and application program that can connect us to present the best solution to support regional planning. Therefore, quality of data is very important. Finally, it is very important to develop various programs to analyze space md rural resource by monitoring rural environment.