최근 다중검출기 CT의 보편화 된 사용으로 환자의 피폭선량이 증가하고 있다. 따라서 광자극발광선량계를 이용해 촬영 목적 부위와 주변 결정장기에 대한 환자의 피폭선량을 측정하고 그에 따른 생물학적 효과를 예측하여 저감화 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. ICRP에서 권고한 표준안을 대상으로 만들어진 인체 모형 표준 팬텀에 교정상수를 부여받은 OSD 선량계를 측정하고자 하는 좌·우 수정체, 갑상선, 촬영의 중심점, 생식선에 부착하여 각 검사 부위별 노출 조건과동일한 상태에서 환자의 피폭 선량을 모사하였다. OSL 선량계의 평균 교정상수는 1.0058±0.0074이었으며 검사 부위별 주변 결정장기의 등가선량은 좌·우측 수정체의 경우 직접 피폭이 약 50mGy로 최대였으며 간접 피폭되는 경우 0.24mGy, 원거리에서는 0.005mGy미만의 기준 준위 이하로 측정되었다. 갑상선의 경우 두부 검사에서 10.89mGy로최대였으며 흉부에서 7.75mGy, 복부 및 요추부, 골반부에서는 기준 미만이었다. 생식선의 경우 골반검사에서 21.98mGy로 최대였으며 간접 피폭되는 검사에서 기준 준위 미만에서 6.92mGy까지 피폭되었다. CT 검사에서 DRL에대한 저감화 방법은 국제기구에서 권고하고 있는 방사선 방어 원칙에 대한 정당한 해석과 제도적 뒷받침이 필요하다.따라서 환자의 피폭을 최소화하기 위해서는 정당성을 충족하여야 하며 환자의 피폭선량에 미치는 영향들을 체계화하고 조직의 불필요한 피폭을 최소화 하여야 한다.
This study, a sub-one of comprehensive research works titled under "Rural Resources Evaluation System", tried to verify utility/applicability of the developed model system through the case study works on 3 sample villages, Backya, Uyan and Suyu, representing the lowland, upland and seashore villages respectively. From the various surveying and collecting works including the official/statistical data collection, map analysis, in-situ investigation, field survey and written material review, the original data set were obtained and manipulated into final input data for resources grading. After then, by the automatized calculation procedure of "Rural Resources Evaluation System", score results for resources evaluation were finally produced with the total maximum score being 1,000. Through comparing works among score results of 3 case villages and between score results and areal characteristics of each case village, the applicability of the system developed in this study was well confirmed.
This study, a sub-one of comprehensive research works titled under "Rural Resources Evaluation System", tried to propose a rational methodology for development of rating tabulation on evaluation items. Firstly, the database system for handling of original/processed data of each evaluation items was constructed, being mainly focussed on the possibilities of data acquisition and statistical treatment. The rating tabulation system developed in the study has the formalized evaluation classes as 2 or 5 for convenience/simplification of analysis works. For each evaluation item in lower step of the goal system, 5 types of rating technique were arranged, which were based on statistical analysis using mean and standard deviation values(Type I), its existence or not(Type II), relative significance of its holding volume(Type III), synthesized weighting scale of its quality and quantity(Type IV), and the others(Type V). And, standardized 4-steps procedure for rating tabulation was proposed. Finally, the rating tabulation system developed in the study was applied to each evaluation item of goal system, from which the numerically-valued ranking criteria was obtained.
As one of methodological approaches for objective and systematic evaluation for rural resources, a sequential system for significance determination of resources items was formulated using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) as the base technique. By the system constructed in this study, the significance values were calculated for all items of standard goal system which had been presented in the first phase- paper of research works for rural resources evaluation. The results analysed and obtained in the study are summarized as follows; 1. In case that the number of resources items for evaluation are relatively large, stepwise matrix method is considered as the better one for pair-comparison works in view of evaluator's convenience and consistency. 2. The significance valuing results for most resources items showed a considerable difference between characteristic areas, especially in aspects of land and human resources, so being considered as wet reflecting the specific areal varieties, 3. On land resources, the items for industrial development and land use showed higher significance value, while natural environment resources the items for ecological varieties and on human resources the items for artificial facilities. However, lower-valued ones were the items for mineral stocks in land resources, for control and protection in natural environment resources and for lower-level culture heritage respectively.
Korean societies have been experiencing the wholesale structural changes in the rapid currents of recent openness, globalization and democratization, which effect much more heavily in rural areas than in urban areas, so rural recomposition works being an important national concern. In order to systematically reconstruct the rural structure, the decision makers, with a four step hierarchy of rural resident-residents group-community-region, should be endowed with the objective judgement on basic elements of resource potentialities under their control. In this process. rational resource evaluation works would be firstly necessiated from expert groups. Based on the view mentioned above, this study principally aimed at developing a rational evaluation framework for rural resources. For that objective, the first step of the study pigeonholed the total resources items identifiable in rural areas from the existing study results, spatial planning and field surveying data. After then, using the formalized classification criteria of resources items, a tentative goal system for rural resources evaluation was proposed and the final one determined through expert-group checking. The results obtained during the study are summarized as follows ; 1. Using the existing examples of resources identification/classification and the basic data list for county-level development planning as the principal reference ones, total rural resources elements were classified into 3 constituent units : land, natural environment and human resources, which correspond to places to work, to play and to live, respectively, as 3 constituent ones of life-supporting space. 2. Three characteristic areal types were adopted to represent the total rural areas : lowland, upland and seashore areas, and also 3 practical use types to represent the objectives of resources evaluation systems : for land use planning, natural conservation policy and village improvement planning. Thus 9 different types of goal system for resources evaluation were developed(each system by 3 areal typesX3 practical use types) 3. Each goal system has 3-tier classification steps from the higher, middle and lower one. The higher and middle steps should contain equally applicable components to all the rural areas, of which allowable number being around 3 and 4 respectively. However the lower step would contain detailed sub-components changeable to areal characteristics of which allowable number being around 7.