
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this commentary, I examined the implications of Existentialism for science teaching and teacher education. Existentialist thoughts and premises can be used to explore the human element in an educational system. Before emphasizing the pragmatic and technical aspects of teaching, we need to rethink why we teach and recognize our learners as unique beings in a continual process of becoming. By incorporating the existential perspective into curriculums and pedagogies of science education, we can help learners to make their existences and experiences meaningful. This paper consists of three parts. In the first part, I drew on relevant aspects of Existentialism and its implications on the views of the learner. In the second part, I examined the competency-based curriculum in light of Existentialism. Existentialism aims, in part, to develop an educated person who possesses a clear sense of personal identity, a critical attitude, and the inclination to be a life-long learner, and so on. These characteristics are consistent with the implications developed from the competency-based curriculum. In the third part, I explored pedagogical activities consistent with existentialist thinking the ultimate goal of which is to create authentic individuals who can take responsibility for being humans. In the conclusion, I discussed how existentialist ways of thinking and teaching call for the science teacher's reflective practices, where the teacher needs to integrate personal and professional knowledge as the situation demands.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        If the fine arts based on the European Existentialism after the Second World War had started saying‘ no’ about all that is humane, asked the meaning of ‘existence’ from the‘ no’, and expressed‘ essence and reality’ of human, the Korean fine arts accepted psychological responses about the absurd situations being the reality of the times of the 4․19 revolution and the 5․16 military coup in the 1960s after the Korean War as the universal dimension of the human spirit. The Korean artists started to accept Existentialism from the 1950s, which appeared actively in the early 1960s, and especially intellectual-oriented Existentialism was a representative of the times. In those days, younger generations gained their experience of the Korean War at first hand, and revealed political and social negation and challenge of all existing values with the oppressed mood. Their essential expressions began with the existential question and rebellious violence which were shared with the writers of younger generation who tried to correspond existential situation and consciousness of heated lives on their own art. If Europeans after the Second World War had found the answer about serious question like "Who Am I ?" in the form of Existentialism, the Koreans tried to find the answer about their own lives in absurd situation of the times after the Korean War. The Sculptures of Oh Jongwook also changed in the 1960s through his selfconsciousness of the social situation and war experience. The tragedy of the human death appearing remarkably among his sculptures was expressed as a part of the heated lives of the absurd social conditions in those days. His main style was iron-welding. Because of his sensitive response on the condition of the times, the works of molding expressing the death appeared in those of Choi Manlin, Ko Youngsoo, and Shin Sukpil. In Europe, the absurdity of the humanbeings in the sculptures of Germaine Richier and Ce'sar Baldacchini was symbols of pain, isolation and fear.