
결과 내 재검색

검색결과 3

2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
런던은 예이츠, 엘리엇, 올딩톤, 플린트 같은 이들의 시에서 다양한 자 세를 취한다. 각 시에서 런던의 역할을 파악하기 위해서, 예이츠의 이니스프리 호반 의 섬 , 플린트의 라일락 , 올딩턴의 1915년 5월 런던 , 엘리엇의 황무지 등을 읽 는다. 이 시의 전체적인 톤은 엘리엇의 경우 연옥적 요소, 엘리엇과 상반되는 플린트 의 천상적 분위기, 예이츠와 올딩턴의 현실과 꿈의 경계적 분위기, 등으로 나타나지면 좀 더 심층을 들여다보면, 전혀 다른 자세를 취하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그렇게 서로 다 른 시인들인 것이다. 즉, 적어도 런던에 관한 시에서는 예이츠는 상징주의 시인으로, 엘리엇은 이마지스트 시인으로 비친다.
2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
‘Daanok’, a new maize F1 hybrid (Zea mays L.), is developed by the maize breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2013. The high-yielding hybrid, named ‘Daanok’ was bred by crossing between two inbred lines, ‘KS174’ and ‘KS175’. It is a yellow semi-flint maize hybrid (Zea mays L.). After preliminary yield trial and advanced yield trial of Daanok in Suwon for two years, regional yield trial of that was subsequently carried out for evaluation of its growth and yield at three different locations from 2011 to 2013. The silking date of Daanok is earlier than that of the check hybrid, ‘Jangdaok’. The plant height of Daanok is 229cm, similar to Jangdaok, and its ear height ratio is similar with that of Jangdaok. It has resistance to lodging. There are much of the No. of ear per 100 plants. The ear length of Daanok is similar with that of Jangdaok. The weight of 100 seeds of Daanok is the same with that of Jangdaok. It has strong resistance to northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) and southern leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis). It has strong resistance to ear lot. It has moderate resistance to corn borer. The grain yield (7.34 ton/ha) of Daanok was 23% higher than that of Jangdaok. The seed production of Daanok has gone well due to a good synchronization of flowering period during crossing between the seed parent, KS174, and the pollen parent, KS175, in Yeongwol and F1 seed yield was 2.38 ton/ha. Daanok would be a suitable cultivar to all plain area in Korea.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Our study is performed to confirm the level of genetic diversity and population structure with 80 maize inbred lines (40 waxy inbred lines and 40 flint inbred lines) and to explain the genetic basis of agronomic traits using an association mapping. The 200 SSR loci are confirmed a total of 1,610 alleles in total 80 maize inbred lines. The average number of alleles per locus was 8.05. The average GD was 0.72. The average PIC value was 0.68. The average MAF was 0.40. Population structure was revealed for K=2. Total 80 maize inbred lines were divided by groups I, II and admixed group. The 14 waxy inbred lines were assigned to group I. The 45 inbred lines include 5 waxy inbred lines and 40 flint inbred lines were contained to group II. The 21 waxy inbred lines were contained in the admixed group with lower than membership threshold 0.8. Association mapping between 200 SSR markers and 10 phenotypic traits of waxy/flint maize inbred lines were performed by Q GLM and Q+K MLM. In significant level at 0.01, 72 SSR markers were associated with 10 phenotypic traits using Q GLM. The 4 marker-trait association were detected in Q+K MLM. The results derived from this study will be used for designing efficient new maize breeding programs.