
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is reported that 48 pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) are in operation, and 10 PHWRs including Wolsong-1 NPP have been permanently shut down in the world. In the case of PHWRs, which have been permanently ceased, they are managed through the delayed decommissioning method, but there are no cases of dismantling. Therefore, technology development is urgent for the effective decommissioning of PHWRs. Unlike PWRs, PHWRs are separated into coolant system and moderator system. Most of pipes and systems of coolant system are mainly composed of carbon steel, expect of the steam generator tubes which are composed of nickel alloy. On the other hand, the moderator system is composed of stainless steel. In the case of stainless steel, the inner layer of the oxide film is composed of chromium oxide, and the outer layer is composed of iron and nickel oxide in enriched. To remove two oxide layers, it is needs to different decontamination method, the coolant system can perform the system decontamination process through a reduction process, but in the case of the moderator system, the oxidation/reduction process is required because it has a material and oxide film similar to PWRs. In this study, this is evaluated the oxide film removal rate according to the type of stainless steel and temperature in order to remove the oxide film deposited in the moderator system. The experiments were carried out at temperatures of 60, 70, 80 and 90°C, with a concentration of 200 ppm of permanganic acid and nitric acid, and 2,000 ppm of oxalic acid, respectively. The results of the oxide film removal rate test for SUS304 showed 29% at 60°C, 38% at 70 and 80°C, and 41% at 90°C. For SUS403, the oxide film removal rate experiment results showed 62% at 60°C, 85% at 70°C, 94% at 80°C, over 99% at 90°C. The results showed that the removal efficiency of the oxide film increased as the temperature increased. Following the results of experimental, the optimum temperature of oxide removal in composed of the stainless steel material is to be 90°C for decontamination of PHWR.