
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Both ISO 21001 and ISO 9001 are standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for quality management systems. However, while ISO 9001 focuses on the general requirements for Quality Management Systems (QMS), ISO 21001 is specifically designed for educational institutions. ISO 9001 is a widely recognized standard for QMS applicable to almost industries, including manufacturing and services. It defines the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continuing improvement of QMS to improve customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements and improving overall performance. Meanwhile, ISO 21001 focuses specifically on educational institutions and is designed to develop and improve the curriculum efficiency by meeting trainees needs. It provides a system in which educational institutions can build, implement, maintain, and continuously improve the Education Management System (EMS) for the purpose of improving the satisfaction of trainees and other stakeholders. ISO 21001 covers a wide range of educational organizations, including schools, universities, and education providers. KINAC/INSA, the Center of Excellence in Korea, is an educational institution in the field of nuclear control. So It has been developed and operated various international and domestic curriculum. KINAC/INSA obtained ISO 9001 certification in November 2016 and has been certified so far. However, in the scope of ISO 9001 certification, curriculum development process is not included so KINAC/ INSA needs to obtain additional ISO certification specialized in education to improve the education quality. That is why KINAC/INSA is developing the ISO 21001 system, and aims to acquire certification in November 2023. This paper explains the necessity for educational institutions to obtain ISO 21001 in comparison with ISO 9001. It also introduces the process of developing ISO 21001 system of KINAC/INSA. By implementing EMS based on ISO 21001, KINAC/INSA can expect to improve the educational satisfaction of trainees and other stakeholders through effective curriculum development and educational operation.