We crossmatch AKARI all-sky survey with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 (SDSS DR10) and the Final Data Release of the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and identify 118 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) and one Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxy (HLIRG). We find 40 new ULIRGs and one new HLIRG. ULIRGs in our sample are interacting galaxies or ongoing/post mergers. This is consistent with the fact that ULIRGs are major mergers of disk galaxies. We find that compared to local star forming SDSS galaxies of similar mass, local ULIRGs have lower oxygen abundances and this is consistent with the previous studies.
We present the results of our mid-infrared (MIR) observations of distant clusters of galaxies with AKARI. The wide-eld of view of IRC/AKARI (10'X10') is ideally suited for studying dust-obscured star-formation (SF) activity of galaxies along the cosmic web in the distant universe. We performed a deep and wide-field 15 μm (rest-frame 8 μm) imaging observation of the RXJ1716+6708 cluster (z = 0:81) with IRC. We find that 15 m-detected cluster member galaxies (with total infrared luminosities of LIR & 1011L⊙) are most preferentially located in the cluster outskirt regions, whilst such IR-luminous galaxies avoid the cluster centre. Our Hα follow-up study of this field conrmed that a significant fraction of 15 μm-detected cluster galaxies are heavily obscured by dust (with AHα>3 mag in extreme cases). The environment of such dusty star-burst galaxies coincides with the place where we see a sharp "break" of the colour-density relation, suggesting an important link between dust-obscured SF activity and environmental quenching. We also report the discovery of a new cluster candidate around a radio galaxy at z = 1:52 (4C 65.22), where we obtained one of the deepest IRC imaging datasets with all the nine filters at 2-24 μm. This field will provide us with the final, excellent laboratory for studying the dust-enshrouded SF activity in galaxies along the cosmic web at the critical epoch of cluster galaxy evolution with AKARI.
We performed systematic observations of the Hi Brα line (4.05 μm) in 51 nearby (z<0.3) ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), using AKARI near-infrared spectroscopy. The Brα line is predicted to be the brightest among the Hi recombination lines in ULIRGs with visual extinction higher than 15 mag. We detected the Brα line in 33 ULIRGs. In these galaxies, the relative contribution of starburst to the total infrared luminosity (LIR) is estimated on the basis of the ratio of the Brα line luminosity (LBrα) to LIR. The mean LBrα/LIR ratio in LINERs or Seyferts is significantly lower (~50%) than that in Hii galaxies. This result indicates that active galactic nuclei contribute signicantly (~50%) to LIR in LINERs, as well as Seyferts. We also estimate the absolute contribution of starburst to LIR using the ratio of star formation rates (SFRs) derived from LBrα (SFRBrα) and those needed to explain LIR (SFRIR). The mean SFRBrα/SFRIR ratio is only 0.33 even in Hii galaxies, where starburst is supposed to dominate the luminosity. We attribute this apparently low SFRBrα/SFRIR ratio to the absorption of ionizing photons by dust within Hii regions.
We study CO2/H2O ice abundance ratios in nearby galaxies using AKARI near-infrared slit spec- troscopy. Past studies of the ices intensively examined CO2/H2O ratios mainly in our Galaxy, and found that there were considerable variations in the CO2/H2O ratios from object to object. The cause of the variations is, however, still under debate. As a result of the analysis of our sample that includes 1031 regions in 158 galaxies, the CO2/H2O ratios are in a range of 0.05-0.30. In the dataset, we nd that the CO2/H2O ratios positively correlate with the Brα/PAH 3.3 μm ratios which re ect the massive star formation activity. Furthermore, we find that the CO2/H2O ratios positively correlate with the specific star formation rates of the galaxies where the ices are detected, that re ect the evolutionary stage of a galaxy. These results suggest that the CO2/H2O ratios are enhanced in active star-forming regions and young galaxies.
We selected 47 DOGs at z ~ 1:5 using optical R (or r' ), AKARI 18 μm, and 24 μm color in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Deep survey field. Using the colors among 3, 4, 7, and 9μm, we classified them into 3 groups; bump DOGs (23 sources), power-law DOGs (16 sources), and unknown DOGs (8 sources). We built spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with optical to far-infrared photometric data and investigated their properties using SED fitting method. We found that AGN activity such as a AGN contribution to the infrared luminosity and a Chandra detection rate for bump and power-law DOGs are signicantly different, while stellar component properties like a stellar mass and a star-formation rate are similar to each other. A specific star-formation rate range of power-law DOGs is slightly higher than that of bump DOGs with wide overlap. Herschel/PACS detection rates are almost the same between bump and power-law DOGs. On the other hand SPIRE detection rates show large differences between bump and power-law DOGs. These results might be explained by differences in dust temperatures. Both groups of DOGs host hot and/or warm dust ( 50 Kelvin), and many bump DOGs contain cooler dust ( < 30 Kelvin).
The extragalactic background suggests half the energy generated by stars was reprocessed into the infrared (IR) by dust. At z1.3, 90% of star formation is obscured by dust. To fully understand the cosmic star formation history, it is critical to investigate infrared emission. AKARI has made deep mid-IR observation using its continuous 9-band filters in the NEP field (5.4 deg2), using 10% of the entire pointed observations available throughout its lifetime. However, there remain 11,000 AKARI infrared sources undetected with the previous CFHT/Megacam imaging (r ~25.9ABmag). Redshift and IR luminosity of these sources are unknown. These sources may contribute signicantly to the cosmic star-formation rate density (CSFRD). For example, if they all lie at 1< z <2, the CSFRD will be twice as high at the epoch. We are carrying out deep imaging of the NEP eld in 5 broad bands (g; r; i; z; and y) using Hyper Suprime-Camera (HSC), which has 1.5 deg field of view in diameter on Subaru 8m telescope. This will provide photometric redshift information, and thereby IR luminosity for the previously-undetected 11,000 faint AKARI IR sources. Combined with AKARI's mid-IR AGN/SF diagnosis, and accurate mid- IR luminosity measurement, this will allow a complete census of cosmic star-formation/AGN accretion history obscured by dust.
We will report our recent study on the properties of more than 1,600 galaxies detected by the AKARI All-Sky Survey with physical quantities based on optical and 21-cm observations, to understand the physics determining the infrared spectral energy distribution (Totani et al., 2011). We discover a tight linear correlation for normal star-forming galaxies between the radiation field strength of dust heating (corresponding to dust temperature) and the galactic-scale infrared radiation field, LTIR/R2 . This is the tightest correlation of dust temperature ever known, and the dispersion along the mean relation is 13% in dust temperature. This relation can be explained physically by a thin layer of heating sources embedded in a thicker, optically-thick dust screen. We also find that the number of galaxies sharply drops when galaxies become optically thin against dust-heating radiation, indicating that a feedback process to galaxy formation (e.g., by the photoelectric heating) is working when dust-heating radiation is not self-shielded on a galactic scale. We discuss implications from these findings for the MHI -size relation, the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, and galaxy formation in the cosmological context.
Lyman break Galaxies are galaxies selected in the rest-frame ultraviolet. But, one important and missing information for these Lyman break galaxies is the amount of dust attenuation. This is crucial to estimate the total star formation rate of this class of objects and, ultimately, the cosmic star formation density. AKARI, Spitzer and Herschel are therefore the major facilities that could provide us with this information. As part of the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey, we have began investigating the rest-frame far-infrared properties of a sample of more than 4,800 Lyman Break Galaxies in the GOODS-North fiels. Most LBGs are not detected individually, but we do detect a sub-sample of 12 objects at 0.7 < z <1.6 and one object at z = 2.0. The ones detected by Herschel SPIRE have redder observed NUV-U and U-R colors than the others, while the undetected ones have colors consistent with average LBGs at z > 2.5. We have analysed their UV-to-FIR spectral energy distributions using the code cigale to estimate their physical parameters. We find that LBGs detected by SPIRE are high mass, luminous infrared galaxies. They also appear to be located in a triangle-shaped region in the AFUV vs. logLFUV diagram limited by AFUV = 0 at the bottom and by a diagonal following the temporal evolution of the most massive galaxies from the bottom-right to the top-left of the diagram. In a second step, we move to the larger COSMOS field where we have been able to detect 80 Lyman break galaxies (out of ~ 15,600) in the far infrared. They form the largest sample of Lyman break galaxies at z > 2.5 detected in the far-infrared. We tentatively name them Submillimeter Lyman break galaxies (S-LBGs).
We present the result of our near infrared J- (λ=1.25μm), H- (λ=1.63μm), and Ks-band (λ=2.14μm) imaging of ultraluminous (LI > 1012L⊙) and uminous(LIR=1011−12L⊙) infrared galaxies (ULIRGs and LIRGs), to investigate their relationship through properties of their host galaxies. We find that (1) for single-nucleus ULIRGs and LIRGs, their spheroidal host galaxies have similar properties, but ULIRGs display a substantially higher level of nuclear activity than LIRGs, suggesting that their infrared luminosity difference comes primarily from the different level of current nuclear activity. We infer that LIRGs and ULIRGs have similar progenitor galaxies, follow similar evolutionary processes, and may evolve into optically-selected QSOs. (2) Largely-separated multiple-nuclei ULIRGs have significantly brighter host galaxies than single-nucleus ULIRGs and LIRGs in Ks-band, indicating that multiple-nuclei ULIRGs have a bias towards mergers of intrinsically large progenitor galaxies, in order to produce high infrared luminosity (LIR > 102L⊙) even at the early merging stage. (3) We derive dust extinction of host galaxies of ULIRGs and LIRGs to be AV ~ 14 mag in the optical or quivalently AK ~ 0.8 mag in the near-infrared Ks-band, based on the comparison of host galaxy's uminosities in the J-, H-, and Ks-bands.
We investigate the relation between star formation activity and PAH 3.3 μm emission. Our targets are mid-infrared-excess galaxies selected from the AKARI all-sky survey point source catalog. We performed AKARI near-infrared spectroscopy for them. As a result, we obtained 2.5 − 5 μm spectra of 79 galaxies, and selected 35 star-forming galaxies out of them. Comparing the PAH 3.3 μm luminosities with the infrared luminosities, we find a linear correlation between them. However, by adding the results from literatures for luminous infrared galaxies and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies that are more luminous than our sample, the ratio of the PAH to the infrared luminosity is found to decrease towards the luminous end.
We established a separation scheme to distinguish galaxies from stars with the aid of AKARI/FIS color-color (CC) diagrams. In all the combinations of CC diagrams we can distinguish two separate clouds. It was shown that in all cases one of them contains more than 95% of galaxies and the other one, in most cases, consists in more than 80% of stars (Pollo et al., 2010). Currently we are looking into more detailed classifications. We are especially interested in separating different morphological types of galaxies, mainly within spiral galaxies. Moreover, we study the properties of infrared galaxies.
We select infrared-luminous galaxies by cross-matching the SDSS spectroscopic sample of galaxies with the WISE all-sky survey catalog. Based on photometric data points covering from SDSS u-band to WISE 22 μm , their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are separated into AGN, elliptical, spiral, and irregular galaxy components. The derived luminosities of spiral galaxy and AGN are well correlated with Hα and [OIII] line luminosities, respectively. Most galaxies are dominated by young stellar populations even for optical AGNs, but at least 10% of optical non-AGNs appear to harbor buried AGNs. The AGN contribution increases dramatically with the total luminosity. These results show that the SED decomposition is successful and is useful to understand the true nature of dusty galaxies.
We present the result of systematic AKARI IRC infrared 2.5−5 μm spectroscopy of >100 nearby luminous infrared galaxies, to investigate the energetic roles of starbursts and optically-elusive buried AGNs. Based on (1) the equivalent widths of the 3.3μm PAH emission features, (2) the optical depths of absorption features, and (3) continuum slopes, we can disentangle emission from starbursts and AGNs. We find that the energetic importance of buried AGNs increases with increasing galaxy infrared luminosities, suggesting that the AGN-starburst connections (and thereby possible AGN feedback to host galaxies) are luminosity dependent.
We present the properties of dust and the near-infrared spectral features in nearby early-type galaxies. The properties of dust are obtained from the AKARI far-infrared all-sky survey diffuse map. The AKARI/IRC is used for the near-infrared spectra. We improve spectral data with the new dark subtraction method on the basis of the knowledge acquired in our laboratory experiments of the engineering-model detector for the IRC. We have succeeded in fitting the continuum by a power-law function and detecting CO and SiO absorption features in early-type galaxy spectra. Comparing the properties of dust and near-infrared spectral features, we find that the power-law slope depends on dust temperature, but not on the dust mass, which suggests that low-luminosity AGNs may contribute to the changes in the power-law slope and dust temperature.
We present the results of Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting of far-infrared galaxies detected in the AKARI Deep Field-South (ADF-S) Survey and discuss their physical properties. Additionally, we perform a comparison between photometric redshifts estimated using only optical and both optical and infrared data. We conclude that our sample consists mostly of nearby galaxies rich in dust and young stars. We observe an improvement in the estimation of photometric redshifts when the IR data are included, comparing to a standard approach based mainly on the optical to UV photometry.