Nowhere is the agenda for the inter religious dialogue more pressing than with the adherents of the two largest religious communities, Christians and Muslims. Together, these two communities encompass nearly half of the world’s population. In attempting to discuss the present dialogic relationship between Islam and Christianity, there are at least two major levels. The first level is that of the politico religious discussions and their acceleration in various countries. On the more traditional second level are the actual attempts at a religious/theological dialogue between representative Christians and Muslims. The second level is the primary focus of this study, which focuses on the Qur’anic teaching regarding relationship with the people of other faiths. One of the most influential factors which affect Muslim Christian relations is the Quran. Since the Quran is central in determining Muslim attitudes, it is important to know what the Quran says about other faiths, Christianity in particular for the Christian Muslim dialogue. As many contemporary Quranic commentators argue, Quran maintains that the universal faith in God encompasses, but at the same time transcends, all religions. In this framework of the universality of faith within a great diversity of religions, the Quran calls upon faithful Christians and Muslims to live in amity and engage in a genuine dialogue of faith. It is true that the Qur’an declares the Muslim community to be the best that has been raised up for humankind, as they enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong in the context of faith in God(3:110). It is also true that the Qur’an declares God has willed Muslims to be com-munity of the middle way so that they might bear witness before human-kind(2:143to live in amity and engage in a genuine dialogue of faith Furthermore, the Qur’an has specifically prescribed kindness and tact and gracious manners for Muslims when dealing with people of other faiths. The Qur’an, the foundation on which the religion of Islam is based, expresses in a number of ways a fundamental tolerance of earlier religions whose faith, like that of Islam, centers on the one and only God. It can be said, in this regard, that one of the doctrinal principles enunciated in the Qur’an is that of religious tolerance. I believe that we have in this doctrinal principle the basis for interfaith dialogue and cooperation which has the potential for leading us to a better world in this religious pluralistic world.