백두산과 일본 규슈에서 산출되는 흑요석을 대상으로 그 내부에 포함된 미세결정의 형태와 조직을 전자현미경을 사용하여 관찰하였다. 미세결정에 대한 형태학적 분류에 따르면, 백두산 흑요석 내의 미세결정은 Arculites, Asteroidal, Crenulite 등의 형태만 보이고, 규슈 흑요석 내의 미세결정은 Arculites, Bacillite, Belonites, Crenulite, Furculite, Lath, Margarite, Scopulites 등의 다양한 형태를 보인다. 이 사실은 백두산과 규슈 흑요석은 포함된 미세결정의 형태에 따라서 구분 가능함을 지시한다. 한편, 동일한 Arculites 형태의 미세결정의 경우 백두산 흑요석은 휘석 결정 내에 자철석의 결정들이 포함된 포이킬리틱 조직을 보이는 반면, 규슈 흑요석은 자철석과 휘석이 서로 입상 내지 입간 조직을 보인다. 이러한 흑요석 내 미세결정의 형태 및 조직의 차이는 향후 우리나라에서 선사시대 유물로 출토되는 흑요석제 석기의 산지를 밝히는데 이용될 수 있다.
In southern Kyushu, dwarf variety of late-heading type (DL) napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) has utilized for the rotational grazing in 4 months of hot summer period by Japanese-Black (JB) beef cows for 6 years in 2002-2007. The objectives of this study were to investigate the establishment of feeding system of DL napiergrass with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., IR) grazed by the standard herd of JB beef cows in breeding beef farmers. Grazing DL napiergrass pasture was established totally at 0.66 ㏊ with 5 paddocks (0.132 ㏊ each) in 2006. Oversowing of IR was imposed into the inter-row of DL napiergrass on December 8, 2007. Grazing for IR and DL napiergrass pastures was carried out in 30 and 71 days, respectively. Daily gain of beef cows for the grazing on DL napiergrass was averaged at 0.23 ㎏ head?¹ day?¹, and carrying capacity was calculated at 891 CD ㏊?¹. The results revealed that DL napiergrass with IR pasture should fit to the rotational grazing with maintaining the liveweight of grazing beef cows for 4.5 months, and it can be proposed for the sustainable and low-cost feeding system to smallholder farmers in this area.
In southern Kyushu, aged beef cow farmers hold limited available land and poor machinery equipment, while demand for herbage production increases rapidly due to high cost of imported herbage supply. Dwarf variety of late-heading type (DL) napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) meets the situation for smallholder farmers, especially in remote islands. The objectives of this study were to investigate adaptability and sustainability of DL napiergrass among 12 sites in southern Kyushu, by determine yield, quality and overwintering ability. The results revealed t㏊t DL napiergrass should adapt to the examined sites including isolated islands at an established year and produce satisfactory yield and quality herbage, if additional fertilizer application covers more t㏊n 10g N m?² year?¹ after establishment.
Storage and disposal of digested effiuent of manure (DEM) produced by biogas plant is a challenge to beef producers because of the mitigation of environmental pollution. The DEM contains essential plant nutrients and to use DEM as a soil amendment for crop production is a practical method to solve the disposal problem. In 2 years of cropping with dwarf napiergrass as a perennial summer grass and Italian ryegrass as an annual winter grass, DEM revealed to be so effective fertilizer as chemicals to increase dry matter yield and forage quality, especially crude protein (CP) content and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). The efficient use of DEM can be an agronomic-and economic-viable management practice for sustainable crop production in Miyazaki, southern Kyushu of Japan.