전자파 자기장 발생 장치를 개발하여 제작한 후, 이를 수경재배와 배지경의 양액 공급관에 장착하여 물에 자기장을 쬔 자화수 처리의 유무에 따른 수질 성분변화, 배추와 상추의 생장량 변화, 그리고 성분 변화를 분석하였다. 자화수 처리구는 무처리구에 비해 비타민 C 함량이 상추 2.8배, 배추 1.2배로 더 많았다. 또한 자화수 처리에 의한 생장촉진 효과는 상추의 수경과 배지경 재배에서 현저히 나타났으나 배추의 토경재배는 자화수 처리의 효과가 미미하였다. 따라서 토경재배 상추에서 자화수 처리에 의해 생장과 비타민의 함량을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
he translational and reactive parts of thermal conductivity of a partially ionized solar magneto-plasma gas have been calculated based on Yun and Wyller's formulation (1972) along with Devoto's theory(1968). The computed results are presented as functions of temperature and pressure for given magnetic field strengths. The results of the calculations show that for most photospheric conditions the magnetic field does not play any important role in characterizing thermal properties of the ionized gas. However, when the gas pressure is low(e.g., P<10 dynes/ c m 2 ) ) the field becomes extremely effective even if its strength is quite small (e.g., B<0.1 gauss). The reactive part of the thermal transport is found to be very important when the gas is undertaking active ionization.
Solar electrical conductivity has been calculated, making use of Yun and Wyller's formulation. The computed results arc presented in a tabulated form as functions of temperature and pressure for given magnetic field strengths. The results of the calculation show that the magnetic field does not play any important role in characterizing the electrical conductivity of the ionized gas when the gas pressure is relatively high (e.g., P ≥ 10 4 d y n e s / c m 2 ). However, when the gas pressure is low (e.g., P ≤ 10 d y n e s / c m 2 ), the magnetic field becomes very effective even if its field strength is quite small (e.g., B ≤ 0.01 gauss). It is also found that, except for lower temperature region (e.g., T ≤ 10 4 ∘ K ), there is a certain linear relationship in a log- log graph between the pressure and the critical magnetic field strength, which is defined as a field strength capable of reducing the non-magnetic component of the electrical conductivity by 20%.
This paper investigated experimentally the feasibility of estimating stress in prestressing strands using induced magnetic field by an external electromagnet and Villari effect that the permeability of ferromagnetic material varies according to its stress or strain.