
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of management performance in the remaining offshore fishing industry after the resource management-oriented fisheries structure improvement policy by the fisheries vessel buy-back program and Total Allowable Catch (TAC). The results of the analysis of the determinants of management performance of offshore fishing can be summarized as follows. First, based on the management performance determinant model of offshore fishing, it is confirmed that the government's resource-managed fishing structure improvement policy, such as the fishing boat reduction project and the TAC policy, is improving the management performance of the resource-managed remaining fishing boat. Second, looking at the specific management performance determinants based on the management performance model of offshore fishing, the leverage ratio (TLTA), which is the total debt ratio, shows a statistically significant positive (+) relationship with management performance, which increases management performance directly proportional to the leverage ratio. The increase in the leverage ratio (total debt ratio) was expected to lead to a high interest cost burden, resulting in a reverse (-) financial leverage effect; however, rather a positive (+) financial leverage effect occurred with a high profit covering interest costs. The total catch (TCATCH) has a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a statistical significance level of less than 1%, indicating that an increase in catch is improving or increasing the management performance of fishing companies. The selling price (UPRICE) shows a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a very high statistical significance level of less than 1%, and it can be seen that high fishing prices are a major factor in improving or increasing the management performance of offshore fishing. On the other hand, fishing vessel tonnage (TON), fishing vessel horsepower (RHP), and operating days (WDAYS), which indicate have a statistically significant negative (-) relationship with management performance, which deviates from the existing fisheries common sense that the size of fishing vessel tonnage and fishing vessel horsepower and the increase in the number of operating days is proportional to management performance. As a result of the increase in fishing vessel tonnage, horsepower, and the number of operating days, it was confirmed that the higher the fishing cost, such as oil costs, is worsening the management performance of fishing companies. Participation in TAC has a statistically significant positive (+) value with management performance, indicating that the remaining offshore fishing companies participating in TAC are improving or increasing management performance compared to offshore fishing companies that do not. Third, there are conflicting results depending on the industry as a result of estimating the management performance determinants of offshore fishing by TAC participation, and TAC participation had a negative impact on management performance in anchovy boat seine and southern west sea bottom trawl in fishing industry while TAC participation had a positive impact on management performance in large stow nets on anchor in fishing industry.