In general, dose assessment must be performed to obtain approval for clearance of radioactive waste. If the annual dose criteria through dose evaluation satisfies the clearance condition, radioactive waste can be disposed of. Various programs are used to perform dose assessment. NRCDOSE GASPAR is used as a program to assess the amount of radiation exposed to atmospheric emissions. Program is easy to use and results can be checked immediately after execution. GASPAR requires main input factors by exposure route such as site specifics, source term, special location, block data. Basically, program has default input values but user can easily modify it. The most important factor is that when entering a nuclide, the effect on progeny radionuclides is not automatically calculated. User should consider the dose contribution from progeny radionuclides. In this study, dose assessment was performed for combustible waste incineration using NRCDOSE GASPAR. And it was confirmed that exposure dose of individuals and groups criteria for clearance regulation.