본 연구에서는 열대우림인 브루나이 MDF와 PSF의 주요 수종 (D. aromatic, D. rappa, C. arborescens)을 대상으로 초기 분해 단계의 수종별 질량 감소율과 탄질율의 변화를 파악하였다. 2019년 5월에 총 48개의 고사목 시료 (15 cm×4.8 cm×5 cm)를 산림 지표면에 배치하고 16개월 후 수거하였다. 분해 전 수종별 고사목의 밀도 (g cm-3)는 0.64±0.01 (D. aromatic), 0.60±0.00 (D. rappa), 0.44±0.02 (C. arborescens) 등이었으며, 16개월 동안 수종별 연간 질량 감소율 (%)은 6.37 (D. aromatic), 8.17 (D. rappa), 18.53 (C. arborescens) 등으로 나타났다. 부후등급은 C. arborescens에 서 III등급이 약 25%로 높았으며 흰개미의 분해 흔적이 나타났다. 한편, 16개월 후 탄질율은 D. aromatic과 D. rappa에 서 통계적으로 유의하게 감소하였으나, C. arborescens에서는 감소하는 경향이 유의하지 않았다. 이러한 연구 결과는 열대우림 내 고사목의 초기 분해는 밀도와 같은 수종의 물리적 특성에 따라 차이가 나타날 수 있으며, 주요 분해자의 유형에 따라 탄질율의 변화에도 상대적으로 차이가 있을 수 있음을 시사하는 것이다.
To study the effects of an urease inhibitor, N-(n-butyl)-thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), and a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), on nitrogen losses and nitrogen use efficiency, urea fertilizer with or without inhibitors and slowrelease fertilizer (synthetic thermoplastic resins coated urea) were applied to direct-seeded flooded rice fields in 1998. In the urea and the urea+DCD treatments, NH4 + -N concentrations reached 50 mg N L-1 after application. Urea+NBPT and urea+ NBPT+DCD treatments maintained NH4 + -N concentrations below 10 mg N L-1 in the floodwater, while the slow-release fertilizer application maintained the lowest concentration of NH4 + -N in floodwater. The ammonia losses of urea+NBPT and urea+NBPT+DCD treatments were lower than those of urea and urea+DCD treatments during the 30 days after fertilizer application. It was found that N loss due to ammonia volatilization was minimized in the treatments of NBPT with urea and the slow-release fertilizer. The volatile loss of urea+DCD treatment was not significantly different from that of urea surface application. It was found that NBPT delayed urea hydrolysis and then decreased losses due to ammonia volatilization. DCD, a nitrification inhibitor, had no significant effect on ammonia loss under flooded conditions. The slow-release fertilizer application reduced ammonia volatilization loss most effectively. As N03 [-10] -N concentrations in the soil water indicated that leaching losses of N were negligible, DCD was not effective in inhibiting nitrification in the flooded soil. The amount of N in plants was especially low in the slow-release fertilizer treatment during the early growth stage for 15 days after fertilization. The amount of N in the rice plants, however, was higher in the slow-release fertilizer treatment than in other treatments at harvest. Grain yields in the treatments of slow-release fertilizer, urea+NBPT+ DCD and urea+NBPT were significantly higher than those in the treatments of urea and urea+DCD. NBPT treatment with urea and the slow-release fertilizer application were effective in both reducing nitrogen losses and increasing grain yield by improving N use efficiency in direct-seeded flooded rice field.field.