The genus Helictes is a small group of the subfamily Orthocentrinae, comprising 11 species from worldwide, most species from the Palaearctic region, four species from the Nearctic, and two species from the Neotropical region. This subfamily is wide morphological variation between genera but most are readily recognizable as orthocentrines. They are generally small sized, clypeus strongly convex and malar space long. Among them, this genus is reported for the first time from South Korea. In this study, description, photographs of diagnostic characterists are provided.
The genus Megastylus is a moderate group of the subfamily Orthocentrinae, comprising 38 species in two subgenera from worldwide. The subfamily Orthocentrinae is a high proportion of the genera are cosmopolitan in distribution. Orthocentrines are known as almost solitary koinobiont endoparasitoids. We report this genus for the first time from South Korea. In this study, descriptions of some new species, photographs of diagnostic characterists are provided.
한국산 긴뺨자루맵시벌아과의 미기록종인 미소얼굴긴뺨자루맵시벌(신칭)을 확인하고 국내에 처음으로 보고한다. 본 종의 상위분류군인 얼 굴긴뺨자루맵시벌속은 농업과 임업 해충인 파리목, 나비목, 딱정벌레목에 내부 기생하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 논문에는 미소얼굴긴뺨자루맵시 벌의 기재 및 주요 형질 사진을 제공한다.
South Korean species of the genus Eusterinx Förster are reviewed here. Nine species of the genus Eusterinx are found to occur in South Korea, and five species, Eusterinx (Eusterinx) sp. nov. 1, E. (Holomeristus) sp. nov. 2, E. (Ischyracis) sp. nov. 3, E. (Ischyracis) sp. nov. 4, and E. (Ischyracis) sp. nov. 5, are described as new. A key to all known species of the genus Eusterinx occurring in South Korea is provided.