In lowland areas of south-west China, especially in late winter and early spring, animal nutrition is so poor t㏊t some animals die because of shortages of forage. Farmers in these areas are finding it difficult to conserve sufficient forage. It is a big challenge to find a new strategy to solve the problem, so tillage systems and overseeding of a perennial pasture can influence the performance of winter annual forage production in the future.
Iterbicide resduc. cauicd ~rljul-y to ovcrsown pasture grasses \\hen herbicide appliccl for use in pasturc est;~blish~nt~nt lo gro~vth contro! ol n;rtivc ~r ~:cds and shrubs. 'l'hih L~sperirnel~t was conducted to cv;lluati. (he herbicidr residue anti its
Adequate regrowth control of weeds and shrubs has been one of the important problem for pasture establishment by overseeding on reclaimed forest hilly land. This experiment was carried out on sloping shrub land near Anseong, Gyeonggido to evaluate the eff