
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we synthesized pH-controlled resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) gels through the polymerization of two starting materials: resorcinol and formaldehyde. The prepared RF gels were dried using an acetone substitution method, and they were subsequently carbonized under nitrogen atmosphere to obtain carbon xerogels (CX_Y) prepared at different pH (Y). The carbon xerogels were utilized as active materials for coin-type organic supercapacitor electrodes to investigate the influence of pH on the electrochemical properties of the carbon xerogels. The carbon xerogels prepared at lower pH (CX_9.5 and CX_10) exhibited sufficient particle growth, with a three-dimensional network of particles during the RF gel formation, resulting in the development of abundant mesopores. Conversely, the carbon xerogels prepared at higher pH (CX_11 and CX_12) retained densely packed structures of small particles, leading to pore collapse and low specific surface areas. Consequently, CX_9.5 and CX_10 showed high specific surface areas, and provided ample adsorption sites for the formation of electric double layers with electrolyte ions. Moreover, the three-dimensional particle network in CX_9.5 and CX_10 significantly enhanced electrical conductivity. The presence of well-developed mesopores in these materials further facilitated the effective transport of electrolyte ions, contributing to their superior performance as organic supercapacitor electrodes. This study confirmed that pH-controlled carbon xerogels are one of the promising active materials for organic supercapacitor electrodes. Furthermore, we concluded that pH during RF gel formation is a crucial factor determining the electrode performance of the carbon xerogels, highlighting the need for precise pH control to obtain high-performance carbon xerogel electrodes.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          본 논문에서는 재시도와 완전입력 규칙을 갖는 BMAP/PH/0 대기시스템에 대한 주요 성능평가척도와 시스템의 정상상태 조건을 제시한다. 고려되는 시스템은 모든 서버가 서비스를 하고 있을 경우 도착이 이루어지는 배치도착은 모두 손실되며, 반대의 경우 도착하는 배치는 서비스를 받기 위해 시스템에 들어가게 된다. 만약 쉬고 있는 서버의 수가 불충분하여 배치의 일부가 즉각 서비스를 받을 수 없다면, 일단 오빗으로 이동하고 표준 재시도 대기시스템의 규칙에 따