YAG phosphor powders were fabricated by the atmospheric plasma spraying method with the spray-dried spherical YAG precursor. The YAG precursor slurry for the spray drying process was prepared by the PVA solution chemical processing utilizing a domestic easy-sintered aluminum oxide (Al2O3) powder as a seed. The homogenous and viscous slurry resulted in dense granules, not hollow or porous particles. The synthesized phosphor powders demonstrated a stable YAG phase, and excellent fluorescence properties of approximately 115% compared with commercial YAG:Ce3+ powder. The microstructure of the phosphor powder had a perfect spherical shape and an average particle s ize of a pprox imately 30 μm. As a r esult of t he PKG t est of t he YAG p hosphor p owder, t he s ynthesized phosphor powders exhibited an outstanding luminous intensity, and a peak wavelength was observed at 531 nm.