
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2000.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of forms and levels of nitrogen fertilizer on plant growth and essential oil production of Agastache rugosa. Calcium nitrate had more influenced on length and width of leaves and lateral branch length than did urea. When nitrogen fertilizer level was increased from 12 kgN/I0a to 24kgN/I0a, plant growth was stimulated and dry matter of leaf and inflorescence were increased. Top dry matter of plant with calcium nitrate treatment (38.4 g) was heavier than that of urea treatment (32.8 g). Interactions among accession and nitrogen form and nitrogen rate were not significantly different for top dry matter. The forms and rate of nitrogen fertilizer did not affect estragole content. The estragole contents was higher in leaf (91.8%) than that of inflorescence (81.3%). While the essential oil content was not affected by different nitrogen forms, nitrogen level affected the essential oil contents positively by increasing dry matter. Essential oil yield was not affected by accession or nitrogen form, but by nitrogen rate. With increasing N application from 12kgN/I0a to 24 kgN/I0a, essential oil yield was increased by 95.8 %.