Background & Objectives: Methoxychlor(MET), an organochlorine insecticide, has been thought a potent endocrine disrupting chemical. The present study was undertaken to examine whether short-term exposure to MET can alter the onset of puberty and the associated reproductive parameters such as hormone receptor expressions in prepubertal female rats. Method: MET (1, 10 and 100 mg/kg/day) was administered daily from postnatal day 25 (PND 25) through the PND 34, and the animals were sacrificed on the PND 35. The first V.O. day was monitored, and the weights of reproductive tissues were measured. To assess the structural alterations in the ovary and uterus, the tissues were embedded in paraffin and stained for histological analysis. The transcriptional activities of hypothalamic and pituitary genes were measured using quantitative RT-PCRs. The uterine and hypothalamic proteins were extracted and used for the ER western blotting. Results: As a result, 100 mg group showed advanced V.O. than control, 1 mg group and 10 mg group. The wet weights of ovaries from MET-treated animal dose-dependently increased. The uterine weights were increased in 1 mg group and 10 mg group, while the 100 mg group samples were not significantly different from control tissues. The adrenal, kidney, spleen and thymus weights were not shown any significant change. Corpora lutea and fully grown follicles were observed in the ovaries from the 100 mg group, while numerous primary and secondary follicles were observed in the ovaries from control group. Myometrial thickness of MET-treated group was dose-dependently increased. Epithelial hypertrophy and well-developed glands were observed in the uterus from the 10 mg groups. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that the short-term exposure to MET during the critical period of prepubertal stage could activate a reproductive endocrine system, resulting the early onset of puberty in immature female rats. Our study suggests that MET’s disrupting effect might be derived from premature activation of key reproduction-related genes in hypothalamus-pituitary neuroendocrine circuit.
In mammals, puberty is a dynamic transition process from infertile immature state to fertile adult state. The neuroendocrine aspect of puberty is started with functional activation of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal hormone axis. The timing of puberty can be altered by many factors including hormones and/or hormone-like materials, social cues and metabolic signals. For a long time, attainment of a particular body weight or percentage of body fat has been thought as crucial determinant of puberty onset. However, the precise effect of high-fat (HF) diet on the regulation of hypothalamic GnRH neuron during prepubertal period has not been fully elucidated yet. The present study was undertaken to test the effect of a HF diet on the puberty onset and hypothalamic gene expressions in immature female rats. The HF diet (45% energy from fat, HF group) was applied to female rats from weaning to around puberty onset (postnatal days, PND 22-40). Body weight and vaginal opening (VO) were checked daily during the entire feeding period. In the second experiment, all animals were sacrificed on PND 36 to measure the weights of reproductive tissues. Histological studies were performed to assess the effect of HF diet feeding on the structural alterations in the reproductive tissues. To determine the transcriptional changes of reproductive hormone-related genes in hypothalamus, total RNAs were extracted and applied to the semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Body weights of HF group animals tend to be higher than those of control animals between PND 22 and PND 31, and significant differences were observed PND 32, PND 34, PND 35 and PND 36 (p<0.05). Advanced VO was shown in the HF group (PND p<0.001) compared to the control (PND ). The weight of ovaries (p<0.01) and uteri (p<0.05) from HF group animals significantly increased when compared to those from control animals. Corpora lutea were observed in the ovaries from the HF group animals but not in control ovaries. Similarly, hypertrophy of luminal and glandular uterine epithelia was found only in the HF group animals. In the semi-quantitative RT-PCR studies, the transcriptional activities of KiSS-1 in HF group animals were significantly higher than those from the control animals (p<0.001). Likewise, the mRNA levels of GnRH (p<0.05) were significantly elevated in HF group animals. The present study indicated that the feeding HF diet during the post-weaning period activates the upstream modulators of gonadotropin such as GnRH and KiSS-1 in hypothalamus, resulting early onset of puberty in immature female rats.
Dicarboximide계 살균제인 vinclozolin(VCZ)은 과일, 야채, 관상용 식물에서 미생물에 의해 유발되는 병들을 통제하는데 사용되어왔다. VCZ의 대사산물인 M1과 M2는 흔히 토양, 식물, 포유류에 잔존하기 때문에 인간에게 노출될 가능성이 크다. VCZ가 갖는 항안드로겐성 활성 때문에 주로 수컷에 대한 연구가 이루어졌으며, 암컷의 사춘기와 생식계에 미치는 영향은 연구가 미비한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 VCZ가 암컷 흰쥐의 사춘기 개
전세계적으로 매년 대량생산되는 프탈레이트(phthalate)류 물질은 플라스틱처럼 다양한 생활용품의 원료로 사용되기 때문에 인간에 대한 노출 정도가 매우 높은 산업 물질이다. 대표적으로 di(2-ethyl hexyl)phthalate(DEHP)와 그 활성 대사물인 monoethyl hexyl phthalate(MEHP)가 내분비계 장애물질(endocrine disruptor)로 작용하여 인간과 실험 동물의 생식계를 교란한다는 증거들이 급속히 축적되고 있
콩류 섭취가 유방암이나 골다공증, 그리고 심혈관계 질환 예방에 도움이 된다는 사실은 학계는 물론 일반인들에까지 큰 관심을 불러 일으키고 있다. 그러나 콩류, 특히 그 주성분인 genistein(GS)이 상기한 긍정적인 효과 외에도 여성의 생식계에 잠재적으로 부정적인 영향을 미칠 가능성에 대한 의문이 계속되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 GS가 암컷 흰쥐의 사춘기 개시에 미치는 효과와 호르몬 수용체 등 이때의 다양한 생식 지표들의 변화들 조사하였다. GS(100