Background: This study aims to analyze the trends in research related to the application of whole-body vibration exercise in stroke patients, the methods used, and the effects of such applications. Additionally, it seeks to propose future directions for research on whole-body vibration exercise in stroke patients and provide foundational data for future studies. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the trends in research on the application of whole-body vibration exercise in stroke patients, focusing on the methods used and the resulting effects. Design: A scoping review. Methods: This is a literature review aimed at identifying trends in whole-body vibration exercise research for stroke patients published in Korea between 2000 and March 2024. The study followed the five stages of the scoping review procedure proposed by Arksey and O’Malley. Results: The remaining one was a comparative study of the effects between vibration frequencies. The main findings from the literature showed statistical significance in 15 studies, excluding 3 articles. Additionally, 13 studies reported that the whole-body vibration exercise group demonstrated more significant improvements than the control group, while 1 study found the control group had more significant effects than the whole-body vibration exercise group. The remaining study compared the effects between different vibration frequencies. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, there is a need for more systematic reviews and meta-analyses to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of interventions. These should focus on systematically analyzing the outcomes of vibration exercise programs applied to stroke patients and the relevant dependent variables.
해조류에는 항산화, 항염증에 효과적인 다양한 생리 활성 화합물이 풍부하게 함유되어 있으며, 장에 유익한 섬유질이 다량 포함되어 있다. 이러한 특징들로 인하여 해조류는 기능성 식품 제조뿐만 아니라, 약리학, 의학적 응용 분야 등 다양한 산업 분야에서 중요한 자원으로 인식되고 있으며, 특히 해조류 발효 기술은 이러한 산업들에 다양한 방법으로 활용될 수 있다. 해조류는 새로운 생리 활성 화합물의 중요한 공급원으로 인정받고 있지만, 육상 식물 바이오매스에 비해 발전이 부족한 상태이다. 해조류를 산업적으로 사용하기 위해 이용되는 해조류 화합물 추출 기술에는 세포벽 처리의 어려움으로 인해 수율이 낮거나 비용 효율성이 떨어지는 등의 문제가 있으나, 최근에는 유산균과 효모종의 미생물을 이용하여 새로운 해조류 발효 제품을 만들어내는 기술이 발전하고 있다. 이러한 해조류 발효 제품은 기능성 식품 및 건강기능식품 시장에서 중요한 역할을 할 수 있으며, 소비자들에게 더 매력적인 제품을 제공할 수 있다. 해조류 발효는 해양 자원의 부가가치를 높이는 중요한 방법 중 하나로, 이를 통해 폴리페놀 함량, 항산화 활성, 생리활성 화합물의 생체 이용률을 증가시키고, 해조류의 감칠맛을 개선하여 소비자들의 만족도를 높일 수 있다. 또한, 해조류 발효는 대량의 양식 바이오매스를 보존할 수 있는 지속 가능한 가공 방법이며, 독성 화학 물질을 생략하여 자연스러운 추출 방법을 제공할 수 있다. 해조류 발효 기술은 아직 많은 연구가 필요하지만, 해조류 산업의 확대와 함께 미래에 매우 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 전망된다.
본 연구는 네트워크 분석(network analysis)을 활용해 국내 경력성공 연구동향을 살피고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 학술연구정보(Riss)사이트에서 2000년부터 2023년까지 게제된 논문 중 총 132편 을 분석하였다. 연구자가 설정한 연구목적 위배, 노드 통일, 링크의 과대추정 방지, 연구목적 보완과 같이 4가지 기준을 통해 핵심어를 코딩하였으며, 분석결과 전체 노드수 152개, 전체 링크 수 368개, 네트워크 밀도 .032로 나타났다. 경력성공과 가장 높은 연결중심성(degree centrality)을 보이는 노드(node)는 '경력 만족'이었으며, 이후 ‘고용가능성’, ‘임금’, ‘승진’, ‘일과 삶 균형’ 등이 높은 노드로 분석되었다. 기존 경력성 공에 대한 연구동향이 주관적 경력성공에 한정적이었다면 본 연구를 통해 객관적 경력성공의 연구동향을 함께 확인하고 더 나아가 2023년 연구 현황을 파악하여, 폭 넓은 연구동향의 근거를 제시할 수 있었다.
This study employs a range of AI-based bibliometric methods to examine trends among astronomical research publications. Astronomy is a field with a long history of research and a wide variety of fields, so there are many areas in which quantitative bibliometric studies can be used to categorize topics, summarize research trends, and explore future research directions. For our first attempt we chose the oldest astronomical instrument, the sundial. We collected a total of 172 sundial and gnomon research papers from 1909 to 2024 from Web of Science and Scopus databases. A bibliometric analysis of the astronomical research papers was performed using the bibliometrix package in R. Topics were categorized and discussed using the Structural Topic Model (STM) method. Productivity, citation counts, and other metrics were compared across countries and journals and the global network of researchers engaged in the study of sundials was analyzed. Results emphasize the need for greater international collaboration and interdisciplinary integration. Current trends in sundial and gnomon research were reviewed, identifying eight research topics through the use of STM, demonstrating the evolution of this field into various applications. The article concludes by discussing future research directions for sundials and gnomons, demonstrating the applicability of AI-assisted bibliometric analysis in various fields of astronomy research.
The advent of big data has brought about the need for analytics. Natural language processing (NLP), a field of big data, has received a lot of attention. Topic modeling among NLP is widely applied to identify key topics in various academic journals. The Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering (KSIE) has published academic journals since 1978. To enhance its status, it is imperative to recognize the diversity of research domains. We have already discovered eight major research topics for papers published by KSIE from 1978 to 1999. As a follow-up study, we aim to identify major topics of research papers published in KSIE from 2000 to 2022. We performed topic modeling on 1,742 research papers during this period by using LDA and BERTopic which has recently attracted attention. BERTopic outperformed LDA by providing a set of coherent topic keywords that can effectively distinguish 36 topics found out this study. In terms of visualization techniques, pyLDAvis presented better two-dimensional scatter plots for the intertopic distance map than BERTopic. However, BERTopic provided much more diverse visualization methods to explore the relevance of 36 topics. BERTopic was also able to classify hot and cold topics by presenting ‘topic over time’ graphs that can identify topic trends over time.
This study compared research trends in universities general English program before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. After analyzing 248 articles from KCI using frequency analysis, centrality analysis, and topic modeling, this study found consistent keywords indicating a focus on learning objectives, effectiveness analysis, satisfaction surveys, and level-based learning before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Centrality analysis revealed keywords like “teaching, research, analysis” before COVID-19 and “satisfaction, study, level, activity, effect” after COVID-19, indicating a shift towards learner satisfaction, level-based learning, and effectiveness analysis due to the transition to online learning. Topic modeling revealed shifts in research trends: Pre-COVID-19 focused on effective teaching methods, evaluation techniques, and cultural content, while Post-COVID-19 prioritized online teaching methods, web-based platforms, and selfdirected learning. Future research should address self-directed learning, attitudes and goal setting, closing learning gaps in online/blended learning, and developing effective online assessment tools and evaluation strategies. This study provides valuable insights and directions for further research in general English programs.
목적 : 본 연구에서는 텍스트 마이닝을 활용하여 치매 보조기기에 대한 국외 연구의 대상자, 적용 환경, 활 용된 보조기기 및 연구 목적에 대한 핵심 키워드를 추출 및 분석하여 치매 보조기기 관련 연구의 동향 을 파악하였다.
연구방법 : 국외 연구데이터베이스에서 1,126건의 연구를 수집하였으며, KH coder 3 프로그램을 이용하 여 11,366개의 단어를 추출하였다. 연구자가 추출된 단어를 검토하여 연구의 대상자, 보조기기가 적용 된 환경, 활용된 보조기기, 연구 목적과 관련된 키워드들을 추출 및 분류하였다. 이후, 추출된 키워드에 대하여 빈도분석을 실시하였으며, 동시출현단어 분석을 통해 연관어 네트워크를 생성하였다.
결과 : 빈도분석 결과, 가장 많이 연구된 대상자, 환경, 적용된 보조기기, 연구 목적 유형은 보호자, 집, 프 로그램/앱, 사회참여 및 상호작용 보조였다. 연관어 네트워크 생성 결과, 보호자는 정서 및 심리지지와 돌봄과 연관성을 보였으며 돌봄은 보조기기 유형 중 원격의료와 연관성을 보였다. 사회참여를 목적으로 하는 경우에는 프로그램/앱과 로봇과 연관성을 보였다.
결론 : 본 연구의 결과를 통해 치매 보조기기에 대한 국외 연구의 주 연구 대상자와 환경 및 활용 보조기 기, 연구 목적을 확인하였으며, 각 영역 간의 관계성을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 치매 보조기기 선 택에 대한 정보제공과 치매 보조기기 지원 정책에 대한 방향성을 제시해 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
It has been more than three years since the emergence of the COVID-19 at the end of 2019. The COVID-19 epidemic has had a certain impact on human’s normal production and life, and it is also constantly changing people’s social cognition, which are reflected in the vocabulary. There are many new words invented and the words with a sudden increase in frequency appeared. This paper selects the important Chinese words related to the COVID-19 epidemic from 2019 to 2022 as the research objects, and divides these words into three categories: COVID-19 cognition, government measures and social life. By sorting out the meanings and usages of the words, this paper analyzes and explores the development trend of Chinese social cognition reflected by these words according to the timeline. The research found that these words reflect the gradual concretization of disease names caused by the COVID-19, the proliferation of the names of mutated virus, the sudden high frequency of related words, the strong generalization and creativity of words in specific fields, lots of related words come out in the era of intelligence and so on, as well as the spiritual thoughts and cultural cognition of Chinese people contained in the vocabulary.
최근 GPS에 기반한 위치 수집 기술의 발전과 스마트폰과 같은 GPS를 탑재한 디바이스의 폭발적인 증가로 사람, 차량, 선박, 항공체와 같은 움직이는 물체의 지리적 위치에 대한 엄청난 양의 데이터가 실시간으로 수집되고 있다. 이는 사물의 움직임과 관련된 중요한 학문적 및 실용적 가치를 가지고 있다. 이와 같은 데이터를 분석하기 위한 데이터 마이닝 방법 또한 함께 발전하고 있으며 연구자들은 궤적 데이터를 활용하여 도시에서 일어나는 이동 현상과 도시를 구성하는 장소 간의 관계 등을 탐색함으로써 다양한 도시 문제에 대한 해결방안을 제시하고 있다. 궤적은 다양한 물체의 움직임을 추적할 수 있는 만큼 그 활용 분야와 목적 역시 매우 다양하여 도시 계획, 교통, 행동생태학, 공공안전, 이상 및 위반 탐지, 감시 등과 같은 분야에서 널리 활용되고 있다. 특히 최근 데이터 마이닝 방법론과 딥러닝 기술의 발전으로 궤적 데이터 분석에 다양한 분석방법이 융합적으로 접목되어 의미 있는 연구결과 도출되고 있어 이에 대한 체계적 분석이 필요하다. 이러한 배경하에 본 연구는 궤적 데이터를 활용한 국내외 약 150여 편의 연구를 응용분야 및 활용방법론 별로 구분하고, 응용분야별, 궤적 데이터 분석 방법론별 최근 동향을 분석하였다. 이는 향후 궤적 데이터에 적용가능한 방법론 탐색, 궤적 데이터 분석과 관련된 구체적 사례 탐색, 궤적 데이터를 활용한 응용서비스 도출의 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
Climate change due to global warming causes a rise in atmospheric air temperature to rise and extreme shift in precipitation patterns. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is widely known as one of the major cause of global warming and accounts for about 72% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture is more vulnerable to climate change than other industries. Many studies have been conducted to investigate how agroecosystems, both natural and controlled, will respond to the rising level of CO2. Studies on the responses of crops and agricultural environments to climate change are crucial in predicting changes in agro-ecosystems. Research facilities for various types of CO2 treatment have been developed. The representative research facilities are SAR (Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research), OTC (Open Top Chamber), FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment System), and TGC & CTGC (Temperature Gradient Chamber & CO2-Temperature Gradient Chamber). Therefore, this study reviewed research data and their application in agriculture.
This study investigated the trend of research on ‘Food science and Nutrition’ in previously published papers in the Journal of Korean Society of Food Culture (JKSFC) from 2000 to 2021. Total number of published papers in this category in the JKSFC was 693 which we classified into 7 main categories and 40 subcategories. Of these, 256 articles were on ‘experimental cooking’ which was the most studied field among 7 main categories. There was a total of 19 published papers under the category of ‘microbiology and fermentation’. A total of 133 articles were published on ‘functional foods’ and provided essential data for discovering new materials under the theme of various physiological active functions of food materials. Furthermore, 107 articles were included in ‘food processing and storage’, which provided integrated knowledge of economy, stability and practicality based on various technologies. A total of 144 articles was included in the category of ‘nutrition’. Under the category of ‘nutrition’, the most actively studied topic was ‘eating behaviors and dietary habits,’ and the trending topic was ‘use of healthcare big data.’ In conclusion, this review would provide trends of various categories of food science and nutrition area for recent 21 years and suggest directions for future research.
An estuary is an area where a freshwater river or stream meets the ocean. Even before the importance of the value of estuaries was recognized, the estuary was lost because of large-scale conversion by draining, filling, damming, and dredging. In South Korea, 643 estuaries are located, and the total area is 3,248,300 ha, accounting for 32.5% of the total area of South Korea. Over 35% of Korean estuaries are closed estuaries which are only temporally connected with the sea, either permanently or periodically. Since 2008, in order to preserve the estuary ecosystem and solve major issues in the estuary by accumulating knowledge about the estuarine ecosystem, the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea has been conducting the “Estuarine Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Project”. At 668 sites of 325 estuaries, epilithic diatom, benthic macroinvertebrate, fish, and vegetation are investigated, and the habitat condition of each site is evaluated using the newly developed biotic index. More than 100 researchers annually record 2,097 species of estuaries according to the standardized survey guidelines over the past 14 years and provide strictly managed data necessary for establishing estuaries conservation policies. As a result of bibliometric analysis of 1,195 research articles related to the monitoring and assessment of the estuarine ecosystem, research on pollutants such as heavy metals and sediment control have recently been conducted. “Estuarine Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Project” is an ecological monitoring type of long-term mandated monitoring that is usually focused on identifying trends. Although it is difficult to identify the mechanism influencing a change in an ecosystem through long-term mandated monitoring, providing empirical data for supporting evidence-based policy, decision-making, and the management of ecosystems. In order to increase the efficiency of the project, research to investigate the relationship between sediments and pollutants and organisms can be conducted at specific estuaries or sites to compensate for the shortcomings of mandatory monitoring.
지진은 지각내 단층운동과 함께 수십억 년 전부터 발생하여 왔다. 1960년대부터는 미국에서는 지진과 지하수위 의 연관성 연구를 본격적으로 시작하였으나, 국내에서는 2010년 경부터 지진과 지하수위 및 수리지화학적 연관성에 대 한 연구를 시작하였다. 본 연구에서는 국내학자들이 과거부터 2021년까지 연도별로 지진과 지하수의 관련성을 연구한 논문을 Web of Science에서 검색하고, 분야별(지하수위, 수리지화학, 지하수위와 수리지화학 병행, 그 외 분야) 연구 특 성을 검토하였다. 국내학술지에 게재된 지진과 지하수 관련성 연구 논문을 보면, 연도별 논문 편수는 2011년에 동일본 대지진, 2016년에 경주지진, 2017년에 포항지진과 발생과 관련되며, 이에 따라 2011년, 2018년, 2019년, 2020년에 국내 및 국제학술지 게재 논문수가 증가하였다. 대부분의 지하수위와 지진의 관련성 연구는 지진과 동시기의 지하수위 변화 에 관한 연구이며, 지진 전조와 관련한 연구는 거의 없다. 지하수위 관측자료와 함께 여러가지 수리지화학적 정보와 미 생물은 지진에 의한 기반암내 지하수의 유동과 화학적인 반응을 보다 상세하게 이해하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 지진 감시 및 예측을 위해서는 지진감시를 위한 지하수관측공 네트워크를 전국적으로 구축할 필요가 있다.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are widely used in various fields because they make it easy to control porous structures according to combinations of metal ions and organic linkers. In addition, ZIF (zeolitic imidazolate framework), a type of MOF, is made up of transition metal ions such as Co2+ or Zn2+ and linkers such as imidazole or imidazole derivatives. ZIF- 67, composed of Co2+ and 2-methyl imidazole, exhibits both chemical stability and catalytic activity. Recently, due to increasing need for energy technology and carbon-neutral policies, catalysis applications have attracted tremendous research attention. Moreover, demand is increasing for material development in the electrocatalytic water splitting and metal-air battery fields; there is also a need for bifunctional catalysts capable of both oxidation/reduction reactions. This review summarizes recent progress of bifunctional catalysts for electrocatalytic water splitting and metal-air batteries using ZIF-67. In particular, the field is classified into areas of thermal decomposition, introduction of heterogeneous elements, and complex formation with carbonbased materials or polyacrylonitrile. This review also focuses on synthetic methods and performance evaluation.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the research trends in Korean education for learners in the Arab region. This paper also suggests directions for the future research on the field of Korean education for these learners. To conduct this study, a process of collection and sorting of research papers was held as the first step. Consequently, 64 papers were chosen. Among 64 papers, 31 academic journals and 33 theses were included. The study then reviewed the research trend by years, publishing types, and topics. Although there were very few studies in the 2000s, the number of studies has steadily increased after 2010. This was related to the Korean Wave in Arab countries and the increase in Arab students who study in Korean from 2013. In the topic analysis by the topics, ‘Teaching and Learning’ accounted for the largest proportion. The second largest proportion was ‘Korean Education Content’. Next was ‘Korean Education in general’, followed by ‘Contrastive Analysis’. Overall, there have been many studies based on contrast or error analysis between Arabic and Korean languages. In terms of contents, there were many studies on phonetics and culture. However, it was found that there are many studies that need to be addressed in each sub-topic. Lastly, based on the analysis in this study, the characteristics and limitations of research trends were analyzed, and future research directions were suggested.
이 연구의 목적은 한국코칭학회가 발간하는 코칭연구 학술지 논문의 연구 동 향을 파악하여 향후 코칭연구의 시사점을 제공하는 것이다. 연구 방법은 학술지 코칭연구를 2008년부터 2020년까지 13년간 발행된 논문 224편을 분석 틀에 따라 분석하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구자 2명이 투고한 논문이 120명(54%)으로 가장 많았다. 둘째, 연구 자 소속의 경우 전체 395명 중 학교가 356명(90%)이다. 기업체, 공공기관, 민간 연구소에서 투고한 논문은 전체 10% 정도이다. 셋째, 양적연구가 101편(45%)으 로 가장 많았으며, 실천연구 59편(26%), 질적연구 13편(6%)으로 나타났다. 넷째, 연구 대상별 현황 분석 결과 성인이 122편(54%)으로 가장 많았다. 다섯째, 다른 분야의 논문이 91편(41%), 코칭 이론과 실천 83편(37%), 비즈니스 13편 (6%), 학습 12편(5%), 부모 10편 (4%), 라이프 6편(3%), 청소년 4편(2%), 커리어 3편(1%) 순으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 코칭 적용 분야에서 코칭 이론과 실천이 많은 부분은 고무적이다. 코칭이 학문적으로 정착하는데 필요한 이론적인 논문들과 코칭을 현실 상황에 적용하기 위한 다양한 프로그램 개발과 코칭의 효과성 적용과 관련된 논문들이 많이 등장한 것은 코칭연구가 확대되고 심화된 측면이다. 그러나 코칭 적용 분야를 보면 비즈니스, 개인 라이프, 스포츠, 임원, 커리어, 크리스천, 가족, 부모, 청소년, 학습 등 다양하게 연구가 되지 못한 부분이 아쉽다. 향후 코칭 연구에서 코칭을 다양한 분야에서 적용한 논문들이 많이 나오기를 기대해 본다.
Deuterium is a crucial clean energy source required for nuclear fusion and is a future resource needed in various industries and scientific fields. However, it is not easy to enrich deuterium because the proportion of deuterium in the hydrogen mixture is scarce, at approximately 0.016%. Furthermore, the physical and chemical properties of the hydrogen mixture and deuterium are very similar. Therefore, the efficient separation of deuterium from hydrogen mixtures is often a significant challenge when using modern separation technologies. Recently, to effectively separate deuterium, studies utilizing the ‘Kinetic Quantum Sieving Effect (KQS)’ of porous materials are increasing. Therefore, in this review, two different strategies have been discussed for improving KQS efficiency for hydrogen isotope separation performance using nanoporous materials. One is the gating effect, which precisely controls the aperture locally by adjusting the temperature and pressure. The second is the breathing phenomenon, utilizing the volume change of the structure from closed system to open system. It has been reported that efficient hydrogen isotope separation is possible using these two methods, and each of these effects is described in detail in this review. In addition, a specific-isotope responsive system (e.g., 2nd breathing effect in MIL-53) has recently been discovered and is described here as well.