
결과 내 재검색




      검색결과 1

      2012.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This case study carried out to improve the situation of large gap between scientific evidence and public perception on Extremely Low Frequency-Electric and Magnetic Fields (ELF-EMFs) problems in Korea. According to literature review on techniques and applications for EMF risk communication (RC) in Korea and other countries, the program which is appropriate for Korean society for RC was developed and the questionnaire to survey on perceptional level on ELF-EMFs based on this program was also developed. As some results of survey the perceptional levels on ELF-EMFs problems from some primary-school students and adults according to the educational tools (a presentation, a brochure, and a VOD) and protocols which were developed for RC, we identified in this study that the educational programs for RC have some effects to supply the right information and to improve the perceptional level on ELF-EMF problems to the general population such as the primary-school students and adults in Korea.