이 논문의 공급업체의 불확실성하에서의 신문팔이 문제를 다루고 있다. 즉 공급업체의 공급량이 소매업체가 주문한 양을 충족하기 못하는 상황을 고려한 것이다. 여기서 우리는 기대 이익을 최대화하는 최적의 주문량을 구하였고, 기존의 연구와 달리 소매업체의 위험 성향을 고려하기 위해 하향 리스크에 대한 제약 조건을 추가하여, 위험 성향이 높을수록 더 많은 주문량을 사용한다는 결과를 사례 연구를 통해 확인할 수 있었다.
This empirical research is aimed at testing the relationship of the big five personality traits namely openness to experience, extraversion, consciousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and risk aversion with the investment intention of individual investors belonging to Balochistan, Pakistan. The primary data is collected through a self-administered questionnaire (a structured form that consists of a series of closed-ended and open-ended questions) from a sample of 397 active individual investors belonging to different districts of the province. The data is empirically analyzed by applying the Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling technique by using the estimation package available in Smart-PLS. The findings of this study suggest that all the variables are statistically significant with investors’ investment intention with risk aversion as the strongest predictor. Moreover, openness to experience, extraversion, consciousness, agreeableness, and risk are significantly and positively related to an investor’s investment intention, whereas neuroticism is negatively related to an investor’s investment intention. The results extended by this study can be used by financial planners and investment bankers to channelize the available financial resources in diversified portfolios. The results will help financial planners to make available diverse investment alternatives for investors in Balochistan, thus catering to their unique needs. Academia must offer courses on contemporary finance paradigm based on behavioral finance to enable future business graduates to make wise financial decisions.