Tropical cyclone scale vortices and associated Rossby waves were investigated numerically using high-resolution barotropic models on the global domain. The equations of the barotropic model were discretized using the spectral transform method with the spherical harmonics function as orthogonal basis. The initial condition of the vortex was specified as an axisymmetric flow in the gradient wind balance, and four types of basic zonal states were employed. Vortex tracks showed similar patterns as those on the beta-plane but exhibited more eastward displacement as they moved northward. The zonal-mean flow appeared to control not only the west-east translation but also the meridional translation of the vortex. Such a meridional influence was revealed to be associated with the beta gyre and the Rossby wave, which are formed around the vortex due to the beta effect. In the case of the basic zonal state of climatological mean, the meridional translation speed reached the maximum value when the vortex underwent recurving.
A new set of basis functions was constructed using the Rossby-Haurwitz waves, which are the eigenfunctions of nondivergent barotropic vorticity equations on the sphere. The basis functions were designed to be non-separable, that is, not factored into functions of either the longitude or the latitude. Due to this property, the nodal lines of the functions are aligned neither along with the meridian nor the parallel. The basis functions can be categorized into groups of which members have the same degree or the total wavenumber-like index on the sphere. The orthonormality of the basis functions were found to be close to the machine roundoffs, giving the error of O(10-15) or O(10-16) for double-precision computation (64 bit arithmetic). It was demonstrated through time-stepping procedure that the basis functions were also the eigenfunctions of the non-divergent barotropic vorticity equations. The projection of the basis functions was carried out onto the low-resolution geopotential field of Gaussian bell, and compared with the theory. The same projections were performed for the observed atmospheric-geopotential height field of 500 hPa surface to demonstrate decomposition into the fields that contain disturbance of certain range of horizontal scales. The usefulness of the new basis functions was thus addressed for application to the eigenmode analysis of the atmospheric motions on the global domain.