
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Russian foreign policy on the Korean peninsula had always been defined by its economic and security priorities, but these priorities changed over the course of history. Division of Koreas, the ongoing nuclear crisis, economic sanctions and information war point to the continuous tensions between at least three regional powers: the United States, Russia and China. Russia in this context attempts to play an important role of a negotiations’ facilitator and behind-the-scene peace broker whose position may be unique in the ongoing talks. Its geographical proximity to Korea (Russian port of Vladivostok is situated in 100 km from the North Korean border), its historical ties to North Korea, but also its current economic ties to South Korea define its diplomatic position in ongoing negotiations. The fundamental goal of Russian policy in the region is the preservation of stability on the Korean peninsula. Russia seeks to find the optimal balance between all parties implicated in negotiations with the end-goal to play the role of a regional power broker and regain the influence it once had in the region.