폴란드의 체제전환은 1988년의 경제개혁의 불씨가 1989년 고로 바초프의 개혁과 1980년 시작된 자유노조연대를 출발로 한 아래로부터 의 저항과 지속성의 결과였다. 그런 결과를 도출해낸 역사적 배경은 민족주의와 독립을 추구하려는 갈망 때문이었다. 남북한의 갈등과 대립도 북한 경제개혁과 남한 기독교의 신뢰성 있는 대북지원사업으로 북한선교와 통일을 만들어 가는 일이 절대적으로 필요하다. 다만 남한 기독교의 명분과 정의의 개념은 자유주의체제하에서 설명되고, 이해되 어야 한다. 이 일에 지혜가 필요하다. 폴란드는 통일의 열망을 민족주의 적 관점에서 풀어갔고, 폴란드 사회의 연합과 운동은 통일된 체제전환 을 만들어낸 틀이 되었다. 남한에서의 색깔론 논쟁도, 퍼주기 논쟁도 의미가 없다. 우리 모두는 자유민주주의 체제를 수호하기 때문이다. 어느 누구도 북한체제를 원하지 않는다. 그러므로 남한의 기독교는 자유민주주의 체제를 유지 발전하기 위한 체제 안에서 북한선교를 결정하고, 전략적으로 접근해야만 하는 자리에 있어야 한다.
The purpose of this article is to investigate the understanding on the workers of mission in ecumenical theology. Since mission is an action for the Kingdom of God, it is important to understand who is in charge of this work for an effective ministry. In the past, the church thought that the major agents of mission are ‘the church’ or ‘the chosen people.’ However, after the second world war, the ecumenical theology started to see the worker of mission more in a wider view including various organizations in the world. In this paper, first I tried to find out from what motivation the new view came out. They were the following perceptions: 1) the church realized that the church, the major agent of mission, committed serious sins especially during the two world wars, 2) due to the impact of Missio Dei, the church came to see that the workers of mission are not just the church but also many other institutions in the world, 3) the church came to change its view on the world from a target of mission to a coworker of mission. With this kind of background, the ecumenical theology tends to see the workers of mission as the triune God himself, the various institutions in the world used by God, lay people, and the poors. This kind of understanding contains various strengths and weaknesses. It might be helpful for the church to break its arrogance and self-centered attitude. Also it can help the church to cooperate with the world in carrying out the mission, and to keep going forward toward the ideal direction of mission. However, this view contains some weaknesses as well. As it emphasizes God as the major worker of mission too much, it can reduce the church's responsibility and enthusiasm for mission. As it pursues cooperation with the world, it can bring a result of weakening the identity of the church also. As it includes the world, which is not concerned and interested about God, as a major worker of mission, the church can fall into a trap of idealism and as a result of this it can cause enfeeblement of mission. If these kinds of weaknesses are compensated properly, the ecumenical view on the workers of mission would be helpful for building up the church for world mission.