Information about the chemical components emitted from the household products employed in many other countries seems to be still relatively scant and insufficient. The emissions composition for 59 consumer products were evaluated using a headspace analysis. The chemical composition and concentrations of total voalatile organic compounds (VOCs) broadly varied along with products. No volatile pollutants were detected for only one product in the household product category of laundry detergents. Except for this product, 1 to 17 organic compounds were detected in the headspace gas phase of each product. The category of oil paints exhibited an upper range for both the number of chemicals detected and the concentrations of total VOC. The chemical composition of certain household products determined in the current study was different from that for other studies from other countries. Four to 37 compounds were detected in the headspace gas phase of each product class. Several compounds were identified in more than one product class. Although several results indicated the dependence of the headspace temperature or period on the proportions of constituents in headspace gas phase, the effect of the headspace conditions on headspace concentrations varied along with the type of household product or analyte. It is suggested that a proper headspace conditions should be considered based on the volatility of components and matrix of each household product as well as the analytical sensitivity.