The seismic responses of traffic light poles are investigated using a finite element analysis. Among the traffic light poles, single- and bi-directional traffic light poles are considered since such poles are frequently installed on vehicle roads. For a more detailed investigation, three different lengths of the mast arm are considered for each directional pole. For a time-history analysis, six actual and two artificial earthquakes are considered and applied to each direction of the poles (x and y) to investigate which direction input provides more significant responses due to the unsymmetrical structural shape. Herein, the x and y directions are respectively parallel and perpendicular based on the single mast pole case. From the analysis results, the average maximum displacement response is developed with the x-direction input case for both types of light poles. Also, the bi-directional traffic light poles show a 13% larger response than the single-directional traffic light poles. Even though the y-direction input case produces a smaller response, the response difference between the single- and bi-directional light poles considerably increases by about 60%. The average maximum acceleration responses are almost similar for both types of light poles.