예부선은 항만 개발 및 매립, 해상교량 건설, 항로 준설 등 우리나라 해양 산업 건설에 핵심적인 공헌과 역할을 수행하여 왔다. 또한 국내 등록 척수로는 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고 있고, 부선의 경우 전용화와 대형화가 꾸준히 진행되어 일반 상선과 등급의 부선이 운항되고 있다. 이로 인한 해양사고의 증가에도 불구하고 예부선에 대한 국가적인 차원에서의 안전운항 대책이 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구는 최근 빈번하게 발생하고 있는 해상교량과 관련된 예부선의 사고에 대한 안전 운항 대책을 제안하고자 한 것으로, 해양사고의 통계 자료와 사례 분석, 예부선 운항 실태를 운송계약 측면과 인원 구성을 검토하여 해상교량의 안전 통항을 위해 선학 자체적으로 점검해야 하는 항해계획과 운항점검표를 일례로 제시하고, 예부선의 안전운항 향상을 위한 전자차트시스템 기반의 안전항행지원시스템을 제안한다.
In port and its approach channel, traffic accidents such as collision, aground, minor collision have reached about 77% of total marine casualty in the area. In this paper, an attempt to enhance the safe navigation was proposed by offering marine traffic supporting system which helps VTS operator assist vessel effectively with the quantitative assessment on difficulty of each vessel. The system collects navigation data from onboard AIS, assesses the data in assessment mode to analyze the navigation difficulties of each vessel and displays the degree of danger of each vessel on the ECDIS in real-time to decide the intervention time or order of priority for VTS operator. The effectiveness of the system was verified by the VTS operators in Korea.
In near future, more congested and dangerous marine traffic environment due to the rapid marine traffics increase and ship handling difficulty by enlargement of ship size is predicted. In this paper, an navigation supporting system proposal made to enhance the safe navigation by providing the collision avoidance informations to the navigator via marine traffic environment assessment. Proposed navigation supporting system displays results of marine traffic environment assessment, degree of the dangers and gives reason of danger which is enhance situational awareness of navigator. For this purpose, results of marine traffic environment assessment which is obtained via real time assessment sent to the designated server and through the connection with navigation supporting system navigator being enable to see all those informations on the computer screen Navigator would utilize those information to make a decision in the difficult waterways and thus safe navigation could be enhanced.