The purpose of thi s study is to deve lop teaching materials for underachievers In e lementary Engli sh ed ucati on. Accord ing to Seoul metropolitan office of education (20 I I), the rate of underachievement has increased sharpl y when students go from primalY to secondary school. Therefore, it is necessalY to systematically teach underachi evers when they are in elementalY school. In order to develop materi als, a meta-analysis of the previous studies was cond ucted in the areas of underachi evers' characteri st ics and reasons, teaching ways, learning strategies and teaching contents. Moreover, a questionnaire survey for analyzing teachers' needs on teaching mate rials was conducted to elementalY school teachers. These resu lts were used as a fo undation to design the teaching materials. The major research findings are as follows: First, the developed teaching materials are expected to he lp teachers to teach underac hievers with practica l mater ia ls in the Engli sh e lementary classroom. Second, the suggested directions for developing teaching materials can gu ide teachers to develop the ir own teac hing materi als for underachi evers. Third, the integrated results of meta-ana lysis of the previous studies on teach ing underachievers help teachers to understand underac hievers better and thus construct effective teach ing strategies, teaching methods, and teaching contents.