
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Metakaolin-based geopolymers have shown promise as suitable candidates for 14C immobilization and final disposal. It has been shown that the physicochemical properties of metakaolin wasteforms meet, and often far exceeding, the strict compression strength and leaching acceptance criteria of the South Korea radioactive waste disposal site. However, it is not possible to analyze and characterize the internal structure of the geopolymer wasteform by conventional characterization techniques such as microscopy without destruction of the wasteform; an impractical solution for inspecting wasteforms destined for final disposal. Internal inspection is important for ensuring wastes are homogenously mixed throughout the wasteform and that the wasteform itself does not pose any significant defects that may have formed either during formulation and curing or as a result of testing prior to final disposal. X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) enables Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of objects, such as final wasteforms, allowing for both their internal and external, characterization without destruction. However, for accurate quantification of an objects dimensions the spatial resolution (length and volume measures) must be know to a high degree of precision and accuracy. This often requires extensive knowledge of the equipment being used, its precise set-up, maintenance and calibration, as well as expert operation to yield the best results. A spatial resolution target consists of manufactured defects of uniformed dimensions and geometries which can be measured to a high degree of accuracy. Implementing the use of a spatial resolution target, the dimensions of which are known and certified independently, would allow for rapid dimensional calibration of XCT systems for the purpose of object metrology. However, for a spatial resolution target to be practical it should be made of the same material as the intended specimen, or at least exhibit comparable X-ray attenuation. In this study, attempts have been made to manufacture spatial resolution targets using geopolymer, silica glass, and alumina rods, as well as 3D printed materials with varying degrees of success. The metakaolin was activated by an alkaline activator KOH to from a geopolymer paste that was moulded into a cylinder (Diameter approx. 25 mm). The solidified geopolymer cylinder as well as both the silica glass rod and alumina rod (Diameter approx. 25 mm) we cut to approximately 4 mm ± 0.5 mm height with additional end caps cut measuring 17.5 mm ± 2.5 mm height. All parts were then polished to a high finish and visually inspected for their suitability as spatial resolution targets.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        스카른 Zn-Pb-Cu 복합광석을 구성하는 주요 구성 광물의 정량분석을 목적으로, 마이크로 포커스 X-ray 단층촬영 장비를 이용한 스카른 복합광석의 3차원 비파괴검사를 수행하였다. X-ray 단층화상의 화상결함을 감소시키고자 제안된 화상보정법을 이용하여 화상들을 보정한 후에 3차원으로 재구성하였다. 주사전자현미경(SEM)에 의한 표면분석과 보정된 X-ray 단층화상을 비교하여 주요광물에 대한 CT 값의 범위를 결정하였다. 재구성화상 내 전체 광물의 체적비율을 분석한 결과, 황화광물 20.5%, 맥석광물 79.5%로 평가되었다. X-ray 3차원 단층화상 정량분석법은 광석 내 유용광물의 부존형상과 회수율 분석에 유용하게 적용될 것으로 기대된다.