In this study, the community structure of marine benthic invertebrates was examined to evaluate the differences between the west, south, and east coasts of Korea and to identify the indicator species representing each region. Acrylic attachment plate sets were installed in Jeongok, Mokpo, Tongyeong, Yangpo, and Gangreung, and the invertebrate fauna thus captured were identified. Monitoring was performed in each area from March 2017 to May 2018. Water depth, temperature, and salinity at each location were measured to determine the potential influence of abiotic factors on the community structure. As a result, the mean depth of plates installed and the water temperature were significantly different in each area. A total of 32 invertebrate species were identified in all localities, and the most significant difference in the species compositions was found between Mokpo and Gangreung. The community structure differed significantly with a change in the plate depth, and a larger number of indicator species appeared on shallower plates. Finally, we determined the community structure of benthic invertebrates in different geographical regions of the Korean ocean by characterizing the dominant invertebrate taxa and the indicator species at each site.
갯벌 패류양식장의 구조물 설치 및 지형적 공간배치에 따른 저서생물 현황을 파악하기 위해 고흥 남성리 양식장의 실제적인 사례를 조사하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 남성리 갯벌양식장의 지반 경사는 약 1˚ 미만으로 매우 평탄하며, 육지로부터 약 150 m까지는 §qcup형, 그 후는 §qcap형 지반형태를 가진다. §qcup형 지반은 간출시 해수를 가두고 §qcap형 지반은 외해 유출을 가로막을 뿐만 아니라 내부인자로서 해수 유출 시간을 지연시키는 작용/영향을 하게 될 것으로 생각된다. (2) 양식장 구분 시설물로 설치된 굴 패각 망태 또는 사석의 축제 형식은 총 5가지로 구분할 수 있으며, 양식장 대기 노출 시간과 침수시간은 각각 181분과 434분이었다. (3) 수치실험결과로서 대상해역의 내습 심해파랑은 최대파고 약 0.5m로서 매우 정온한 해역특성을 가지며, 탁월 입사파향은 나로대교 하단부는 S방향, 갯벌양식장 인근은 SE, SSW, S방향으로 조사되었다. (4) 고흥 남성리 주변 해역의 입도분석결과, 퇴적물은 Gravel 0.0~5.81(평균 1.70)%, 모래 14.15~18.39(평균 13.23)%, 실트 27.59~47.15(평균 30.84)%, 점토 35.79~55.73(평균 36.19)%로 구성되어 있으며, Folk 분류법에 의해 (g)M, sM(Sandy mud), gM(Gravelly mud)로 분류되었다. (5) 2010년 1월 남성리 패류 양식장 저서생물 현황조사에서는 총 11종이 1%이상의 우점종으로 출현하였으며 이 중 연체동물이 1종, 다모류가 8종, 갑각류가 2종이었다.
This study was performed to investigate the geochemical and benthic environment of three shellfish farms in Suncheon Bay during the period of September 2014 ~ April 2015. Three sampling stations were selected; St.1 is the shellfish farm of razor clam near Jangsan area. St.2 is the shellfish farm of small ark shell near Hwapo area and St.3 is the shellfish farm of razor clam near Yongdu area. Razor clam was the dominant species at St.1, small ark shell and granulated ark shell were dominant at St.2 and St.3, respectively. Granulated ark shell inhabited St.3, although it is not cultured at that station. This station’s exposure to air during the ebb tide and sediment composition likely provides the appropriate habitat for granulated ark shell species. Analysis of the number of different species showed that 8 benthos species were found to be distributed at St.1, 18 species at St.2, and 13 species at St.3. Among three stations, the highest Ignition Loss (IL), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Acid Volatile Sulfide (AVS) values were obtained from the sediment at St.2. The analysis of pore water from St.2 also showed the highest values of Total Organic Carbon (TOC), ammonia (NH4 +), Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate (PO4 3-). These results are related to the fact that species dominance and richness is the highest in St.2.