
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study seeks to understand how the interplay between Market Orientation, Firm strategy and Performance is developed over time. In order to study the interplay, I build a model on industry and company evolution by adopting a Variation, Selection and Retention (VSR) analysis of a telecom company and industry 1980-2010 in Finland market. The evolution of telecom industry and a case company is manifested in innovations and strategy in a company and respectively in the basis of competition in the market. In addition, what capabilities and resources a company can use successfully when innovating and developing products and services, and how those capabilities and resources change over time are of interest. A longitudinal (1980-2010) abductive case study of a telecom company’s offerings and strategy was made. Company’s spearhead innovations, managerial cognition and strategy were studied in a longitudinal setting. The theoretical contributions of the study are to discover Market Orientation payoff is context and industry life-cycle specific. Secondly, Market Orientation has potential adverse effects on Firm Performance, and what is the most important, Market Orientation as a sole source of innovation activity has a permanent influence on company’s comparative advantage in the market.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Economic fluctuation has a remarkable influence on firms and their performance (e.g., Deleersnyder, Dekimpe, Sarvavy, & Parker, 2004; Srinivasan, Rangaswamy, & Lilien, 2005). Given the extreme conditions and frequency of recessions (since World War II, recessions have occurred every six years; Srinivasan et al., 2005), understanding what kind of marketing is effective across the different phases of the economic cycle is a crucial question for marketers (e.g., Steenkamp & Fang, 2011; Srinivasan, Lilien, & Sridhar, 2011). In business-to-business markets, characterized by a strong emphasis on long-term customer relationships (e.g., Grönroos, 1997), the ability to gain a deep understanding of customers and their changing needs is a central determinant of firm performance. Therefore, in such markets, market orientation (MO) provides a particularly important source of competitive advantage. During an economic crisis, MO may also serve as an effective shelter against declining firm performance, particularly in industrial markets (Alajoutsijärvi, Klint, & Tikkanen, 2001). The key rationale is that highly market-oriented firms are able to rapidly and accurately identify changes in the marketplace and respond to shifting customer needs and competitors’ actions (Narver & Slater, 1990). While a vast body of literature evidences MO in general to yield performance gains for firms (Kirca, Jayachandran, & Bearden, 2005), some recent studies (e.g., Kumar, Jones, Venkatesan, & Leone, 2011) have questioned this relationship. Recent empirical studies (e.g., De Luca, Verona, & Vicari, 2010; Noble, Sinha, & Kumar, 2002) also propose that the different components of MO (i.e., customer orientation, competitor orientation and interfunctional coordination) may result in different performance outcomes. Furthermore, recent studies have shown the economic environment to play an important role in determining the performance outcomes and, thus, effective forms of MO (cf. Smirnova, Naudé, Henneberg, Mouzas, & Kouchtch, 2011). In this study, using panel data of 140 firms from before and after the great financial crisis, we examine the performance implications of distinct forms of MO 1) over the changing economic cycle 2) among different types of business-to-business focused firms. Employing ordinary least squares regression analysis, our findings suggest that MO and its distinct components yield varying performance impacts from economic upturn to downturn. Specifically, the impact of MO increases during downturn, with interfunctional coordination boosting performance and competitor orientation becoming detrimental. Subsequently, employing configurational analysis (fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis), our findings further indicate that the role and the most effective forms of MO vary across industry sectors, with MO having a particularly strong impact among firms operating in business-to-business services. We also conclude that, in a growing economy the role of MO has become more of a cost of competing (Kumar et al., 2011), whereas in an economic downturn MO still provides a valuable shelter against performance declines. Finally, our empirical findings are in line with contingency arguments, and suggest that the successful ways for a firm to relate with its markets depend on the dynamic firm- and industry-specific settings.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문에서는 변화하는 LNG 해운환경에 의한 3∼5년 이내의 Spot 시장 등장 가능성을 시스템다이내믹스 방법으로 분석하고, 이러한 가능성에 대한 하주인 가스공사의 전략적 대응방안을 모색하였다. 즉 하주와 해운선사가 상호 협력하여 국제적이고 자본집약적인 해운 및 조선 산업의 특징을 최대로 활용하면서 치열한 가능성에 대판 하주인 가스공사의 전략적 대응방안을 모색하였다 즉, 하주와 해운선사가 상호 협력하여 국제적이고 자본집약적인 해운 및 조선 산업의 특징을 최대로 활용하면서 치열한 국제시장에서 모두가 발전하고 미래의 LNG 및 LNG핀 Spot시장을 선점할 수 있는 전략과 이에 대응하기 위하여 필요한 선박 확보 방안으로 i) 하주가 직접 참여하는 방안, ii) 하주가 자회사를 통하여 참여하는 방안, 그리고 iii) 하주가 컨소시엄을 통하여 참여하는 방안을 제시하였다.