
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2012.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate how Korean EFL college students' argumentative essays are similar to or different from those of native English speakers (NES) in the use of reference, with the consideration of Korean students' level of Engli sh proficiency. It employed both quantitative and qualitative analyses to examine referential use for estab lishing textual cohesion of wri tten discourse. The participants were 30 native English speakers and 61 Korean EFL college students, with 31 high proficiency students and 30 low proficiency students. Detai led examination on the use of referential devices revealed important findings. For example, the syntactic role of the reference influenced the relative difficulty for the Korean EFL students. When referring to nominal items, whereas the Korean EFL students did as well as the NES in referential choices in subject positions, they underused references in other syntactic roles, such as object and possessive positions. They also made different referential choices in one of the major functions of demonstratives. That is, whereas the NES mostly used demonstrative this when referring to extended text in the preced ing discourse, both levels of the Korean EFL students preferred pronoun it for such function. The present study holds important pedagogical implications with regard to L2 writing pedagogy.