수중폭기장치로 저수지 성층을 파괴시켜 저수지 수질을 개선시키기 위한 방법이 최근 널리 이용되고 있다. 본 연구는 주요 성층 파괴기작인 Bubble Plume(공기 부력류)의 수리동역학적 거동특성과 플륨 간격에 따라 변하는 모멘텀 중첩효과가 성층파괴 효율에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대하여 수행하였다. 이를 위해 전산유체(CFD) 소프트웨어를 이용한 2상(공기-물) 3차원의 탈성층모델을 개발했으며, 이로부터 계절에 따라 변하는 다양한 성층강도와 주입 공기량
The quantitative estimations of the stratification - destratification(SD) phenomena in Deukryang Bay, Korea have been carried out based on the data of wind speed, heat flux through the sea surface and tidal current amplitude. To find out the main factors causing SD, we introduce the rate of energy balance of the surface heat flux, tidal and wind stirring proposed by Simpson and Hunter(1974). The calculated potential energy of three terms are compared, from which the energy of wind stirring effect was one order smaller than the heat flux and the tidal stirring. Using the results, we complement time integration of the potential energy with the several ε values of 0.010∼0.014 at interval 0.001 and with wind speeds of 1.5 and 2.0 times larger than observation values at land. It shows that the variation of SD phenomena in the bay mainly depended on tidal stirring and sea surface heating in summer if there is no exceptionally strong wind event like Typhoon. The stratification become to be formed from about 5 July although the stratification a little decreases during the second spring tidal period of middle of July.