In light of the growing traffic congestion problem and congestion cost, the container transport by railway has to be increased. The freight transport by railway can have decided advantages over trucks in terms of energy efficiency, emissions and cost for certain freight movements, just as transportation in the metropolitan region can have great advantages over driving truck. But the freight transport by truck should gain significant mobility benefits from a freight railway system. Thus, the DMT(Dual Mode Trailer) transport system which is coupled railway transport advantages with load transport advantages has been developed and used in the european countries. The DMT transport will therefore serve the areas required by transport organizers. The purpose of this paper is to estimate economical feasibility analysis for development of DMT transport system. Consequently, this study analyzed the characteristics of the DMT system. The horizontal load.unload system is being considered as an adoptable DMT system in consideration of the situation in Korea.
현재 기존 철송 시스템에 있어서 문제점인 출발지와 목적지 사이 발생하는 복잡한 작업 프로세스(job process)를 간소화하여 철송 운임비감소와 물류운송의 체계 개선 및 활성화에 기여할 수 있는 시스템으로 DMT(Dual Mode Trailer) 시스템을 들 수 있다. 이에 본 기술의 국내적용 및 개발을 위해 기술동향 조사 및 국내 적용시 고려사항, 국내 적용 접합 모델 도출 등 기술성을 분석하였다.