일반교량은 상부구조, 연결부분, 하부구조 및 기초로 구성되어 있고 내진성능은 하부구조와 연결부분의 파괴메카니즘에 의해 결정된다. 그러므로 내진설계는 구조부재의 설계강도, 즉 설계단면을 결정하는 기본설계단계에서 수행되어야 한다. 도로교설계기준 내진설계편은 두 가지 기본설계 방식을 제시하고 있다. 첫째는 기존 설계방식으로 내진설계편이 제시한 응답 수정계수를 적용하는 방식이고 둘째는 새로 도입된 연성도 내진설계 방식으로 설계자가 응답수정계수를 결정하는 방식이다. 이 연구에서는 일반교량을 대상으로 두 설계방식을 같이 적용하는 기본설계를 수행하고 내진성능 확보의 관점에서 요구되는 보완사항을 제시하였다.
This paper describes the state-of-the art research activities on seismic isolation systems for improving the seismic capacities of the bridges in Korea. Though Korea is located in a region of low-to-moderate seismicity, the construction of seismic isolation systems has increased rapidly. The application of seismic isolation system has become popular worldwide because of its stable behavior and economical construction especially for bridge structures. Since optimal reliability level of isolated bridges can be determined as the one that provides the highest net life-cycle benefit to society, or the minimum Life-Cycle Cost (LCC), an optimal design procedure based on minimum LCC concept is more expedient for the design of seismically isolated bridges in areas of low-to-moderate seismicty. To verify the adequacy of the new design concept based on the LCC minimization, experimental studies on seismically isolated bridge are introduced as well, which include pseudo-dynamic test of scaled pier and dynamic field test of full-scale. With the application of seismic isolation systems, many kinds of dampers to improve the seismic capacity of structure are also applied not only to new bridges but also to existing bridges.