
결과 내 재검색




      검색결과 1

      2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      The Purpose of this study is investigated to education program and organization in Korea agricultural extension service center. In most cases, the program has steadily operated from 2014 to 2016 in metropolitan cities, specially, In Busan, the greatest education program has been set up twenty one classes during 2014~2016. This study surveyed 114 departments of 3 Agricultural Research & Extension Services and 75 Agricultural Technology Centers in 8 metropolitan cities, 9 provinces and 67 cities and counties, which implemented the consumer horticultural education programs in 2016. Twenty one agricultural extension service centers has started the consumer horticulture program undertaking for the first time in 2016. Experienced education program had been conducted to the facilities for the consumer horticulture programs in the agricultural extension service centers and training in the educational farm. Specially The Seoul Metropolitan Government had the largest educational training center in 53.136 m2, with the largest educational farm in Gangwon-do province and the most popular crops were fruit. The research suggested that the consumer horticultural of educational practice and the short & long term of improvement efforts of latent educational curriculum. Agricultural Technology Centers had lands and facilities for exiting agricultural education and the environment to use nearby farms as education farms by establishing a network. Furthermore reconsidering is needed to improve the content, a systematic study of educational practice reformation plan to improve the quality of educational practice.