
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bordeaux mixture made with each grade of lime and copper sulfate was tested general property and disease control value. Bordeaux mixture was made by composition of each grade of lime (95%, 80%) with each grade of copper sulfate (98.5%, 95%). Phytotoxicity was evaluated to Bordeaux mixture made with each grade of lime and copper sulfate, and then low grade copper sulfate (95%) was more severely in the grapevine leaf. Bordeaux mixture, made with each grade lime and copper sulfate, were tried to evaluate control effects of downy mildew in field. As a result, Bordeaux mixture (95% of lime and 98.5% of copper sulfate, 6-6) applied 5 times at late in June was showed more effective disease control value than any other trials of Bordeaux mixture. There was no difference in nutrient status of petiole each treatment. But fruit characteristics were shown more slightly improved quality.