
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hygienic status of 33 high school foodservice systems in Yongin city by using hygiene management guide checklist, ATP bioluminescence assay and microbe inspection petrifilm (APC, coliform group, Staphylococcus aureus) of food utensils during use. The 22 hygiene management guide checklist items about facilities, personal hygiene, food control, distribution, washing and disinfection had good grade but there were some inadequate behaviors on observation. The inspection results showed their sanitary condition met the level B of the recommendation of Korea method, it means sanitary management system get settled but more practical CCP system was needed. ATP bioluminescence assay was conducted on surface of food facilities, ATP ranged 425~2,552 RLU on gloves, 541~70,251 RLU on apron, 1,596~88,490 RLU on working desk, 1,177~263,813 RLU on sterilizer grip, 715~32,814 RLU on sterilizer shelf, 114~619,725 RLU on refrigerator grip, 677~319,007 RLU on refrigerator shelf, 71~196,725 RLU on freezer grip, 1,535~233,375 RLU on freezer shelf. APC ranged 66.7±29.0 CFU on freezer grip, 102.1±35.9 CFU on refrigerator grip, 45.4±28.2 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 58.8±40.4 CFU on sterilizer grip, the number of coliform group ranged 5.6±4.9 CFU on freezer grip, 9.1±8.7 CFU on refrigerator grip, 1.2±1.1 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 4.5±4.4 CFU on sterilizer grip. S. aureus ranged 8.0±5.6, CFU on freezer grip, 12.2±9.6 CFU on refrigerator grip, 2.1±1.6 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 11.6±6.4 CFU on sterilizer grip.